Oops!! haha my post to be expected in the "next few days" unexpectedly dragged out into a full month! It wasn't intentional though; I do have many things in mind that I would like to put down (on computer, not paper) in words but somehow, the writing mood just never arrived D: But it's alright now cos HERE I AM! I shan't elaborate on all the uni apps process anymore because it's useless anyway- not like it will change things.. So here's the news- I will be heading to SMU Law! In fact, I just came back from FTB 2011 (Freshmen Teambuilding Camp) and mannn, was it the funnest camp ever! ^~^
Yesterday, many people were asking me about how I found the camp and my answer was the same to all of them- I had tremendous fun at FTB, and I'm really am very happy myself that I was able to enjoy the camp..
Initially, I had many misgivings about attending FTB because I haven't really enjoyed any camps in the past at all.. In fact, all I remember about OBS in sec 3 was that it was gruelling, tough, dirty and itchy (the rashes/allergy spoilt everything) and literally nothing about the people I spent time with. A part of the reason for the poor impression was also because I felt I was being treated unfairly at camp, with members picking on me for not contributing enough when I was already trying my best. It's not my fault that I'm fair and not good at sports (oh well, maybe I should have exercised more haha) which then gives people the impression that I'm weak and tofu-like. People always seem to think that I'm weak and I require people's protection, but that seriously can't be further from the truth.. Definitely, to be protected and taken care of is a nice feeling, but that doesn't necessarily mean I need people to do that for me. I'm not a useless person; I can jolly well take care of myself so I absolutely hate it when people attempt to force their misconceptions and judgment on me. This is also why I refused to let anyone carry my bag for me at FTB no matter how heavy it was (and how my fingers were almost falling off -.-).. cos even if the way people think do not change, at least I don't have to perpetuate their misconceptions.. Sure, I whine and complain and all that, but I can take care of myself well enough :) GIRL POWER!! As for all other secondary or JC CCA camps, those memories were not really significant because I didn't socialize much so naturally, I don't remember them. All I can remember is the "sian-ness" I experienced at camps haha XD
Correspondingly, I had extremely hesistant towards and skeptical about FTB, worrying about what kind of activities (and torture we will be subjected to), worrying about cleanliness and baths, worrying about my group members, my facilitators and all, that I couldn't sleep the night before. I think my imagination went into overdrive, thinking of every single horrifying scenario that could happen -.- However, it could be because of this absolutely lack of expectations that I came to enjoy FTB so much :D
SMURFS10 is really the best group I could ever have.. Everyone was so kind and understanding towards everyone else, laughing together, making precious memories together.. In particular, I thought it was very considerate of them during the Final Challenge where they made sure that poor runners *guilty look* were alright at all times. (maybe they were scolding and cursing inside hahaha but at least I didn't have to hear it) For once, I really felt like I was a part of the team.. it was a refreshing feeling and I sincerely want that to continue..
I love you guys, SMURFS10!!
(I gotta go now so I shall blog more about the camp on Monday!)