Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

First post in close to 7 months.. and boy, how have things changed in these 7 months! The last time I posted, FTB run 1 was just over but now, university has started and I'm already in the second term of Year 1!

I feel pretty apologetic to myself for not having blogged at all in the past half year or so, because this blog was meant to chart (sort of) my development as a person, my growth as an individual. And if I can't even manage my time well enough to spare 20 minutes or so each other week for a post, what kind of improvement is there to speak of.. But I shall try harder from now on!

So how has life been since university started? All I can say is that it has just been tiring and more tiring. Day in, day out, life has always been about readings, more readings and even more readings. Otherwise, it's about presentations, projects, assignments and exams. Where has all the fun in life disappeared too?

Gosh, thinking about school makes me feel lethargic; the blogging mood has completely evaporated as well.

Goodbye for today then.