Wheeee I'm back after 12 days!! ~(^-^)~"
*starts clearing the cobwebs hanging around*
Haha I think it's totally amazing that I haven't touched the computer at all from the 28th to the 9th =D because it just goes to show that teens aren't perpetually plugged into the virtual world after all, right? and that we aren't all just mere hopeless internet zombies XD hahaha
Anyway, I actually had super-a-lot to blog about regarding the June hols but cos I'm feeling too tired to type everything, or rather, even anything more than this now, I shall just let the pictures speak for themselves.. Frankly, I took around 2 hours to piece all the photographs together, but surprisingly, it wasn't tiring at all.. in fact, it made me feel happy. *beams* Haha at least I didn't have to subject my exhausted brain to more mental stress if I chose to type instead.
So enjoy the beautiful and cute photos!