Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Woahh, can't believe that I haven't blogged for close to a month! but very fortunately, blogspot allows me to backdate my entries, so I can still blog about 28th July as if it were today. YAYY!!

28th July.. really is a special day.. don't you agree?

I do think so, because on this day, I was blessed with a lot of love from everyone, especially my family, best friends, sec 4 classmates and JC classmates. It may seem a little late to say this only now, but THANK YOU all so much for showing me so much love this 18th birthday. I love you all too! 사랑해요!!

To my sec 4 classmates: WeIlInG (thanks sweetie, for trying to surprise me), BeCkY, HuIwEn, BoNg, LiViA & JuStEa, thank you for taking time out and celebrating such a special moment with me. Haha and although the cake was super mushy (haha pun intended) it brought much joy to a lot of people such as me (definitely!) and my hungry classmates XD so thanks! It's been a nice journey with ya all the past 3 years, and I really hope that these friendships will extend past JC life into the future! So friends forever =)

Also, to the people who gave me the balloon, I'm assuming WeIlInG and BeCkY(?), 真的太谢谢你(们)了! How'd you know it was my dream all along to get one of those balloons for my birthday!! And though it might not be obvious then, I was really, really happy in my heart. Just so you know, the lovely balloon is still flying high now, buoyed by your love for me!

To my JC classmates: qIQi, yInYuN, niSsA, pAvEe, tRa, qUe, aMaNdA (the green alien) and everyone else who wished me happie birthday in the card, thank you so much too! Also, a huge Thank You goes out to qIqI. I really appreciate all the effort you put into the humongous card, with the many piggy stickers and drawings of pigs (haha but moderation is good too, lest people think I'm a piggy). Regardless of whether it was made of flimsy paper or not, I will still treasure it!! As for yInYuN, yes, I'm glad to have become best friends with you too =) haha and is it just mere coincidence (that great minds think alike) or not *guffaws* that you chose to write one of my favourite poems in the little notebook? HAHA please don't tell me that it was just because your lit textbook was lying around.. and with that huge empty space in the notebook.. XD

To my best friends since long-longg-time ago: BeAtWeE and eMeLiA, haha although we didn't manage to have a birthday party like dear emelia *eyes her enviously LOL* with super lots of balloons, banners and homemade cakie, the simple dinner out at J8, along with the chat at the CC was enough. The most important thing was your company after all :) we've been through so much things together, so I think you don't need me to tell you how much I appreciate you guys right?

As for the rest of the people who wished me happy birthday, like jO, prob JuNnIe(?), sEaN, thanks too. Glad that at least you guys remembered..

Hmm and who else? *drumroll*

Of course, not forgetting my SWEET family who had who-knows-how-many birthday dinners with me.

Thanks mummy and daddy for giving me life on the 28th July, 1992.

Thanks mummy and daddy, for loving and taking care of me all these years.

Thanks jiejie, for always being there for me (though you could be even nicer if you closed your stall at the fishie market ^^)

Thanks jiejie, for giving me the first card you've ever made in your life.

I really enjoyed the special schedule you drew up for me on my birthday - with the birthday lunch at ViVi, then homie for some rest, before moving to KBoX@scape and finally, a birthday dinner at Swensons. I might not be able to make yours as enjoyable this year, as I will be too busy with my exams preparations to carry out the usual but no worries! I will make up for it once my exams end okayy ^^

~정말 행뵥하세요~

P.S. it's a bit troublesome to put the pictures here, so see the next post for them!