Wow, check this extremely gifted boy out! If I have a son next time, I'm so gonna make him learn the guitar from young, hehe, help his mommy fulfil her dream >(^~^)<"
By the way, one prelim paper down now!
With many more to goo! haha WOOHOOO *fake enthusiasm*
Anyway, today's GP paper was quite manageable but as usual -.- nothing I studied for Paper 1 came out.. which I find, is outrageously ridiculous because I really really read damn a lot for this exam.. This is seriously the first time I covered so many topics at a go for an exam, that I felt if you threw me into any random debate about say, censorship/free speech/gender/globalisation/style of governance/war/terrorism etc I would defintely pwn (still don't get why this is pronounced "own".. an O and a P looks pretty different to me..) everyone! But oh well, life's like that eh? As for paper 2.. well.. I hope I did fine? and that the summary and AQ part won't pull my grade down..
Haha, some things to improve on though :)
1. Finish essay on TIMEEE
2. Finish AQ for ONCEEE
3. Brush UPPP on vocabularly.. (beneficent means charitable/generous/doing good or basically beneficial..)
Let's end off the day with this beautiful piece "Misty Memories"..
(psst, this 2 week hiatus thingy isn't really working X) haha I will just pop in from time to time randomly)