I think back-dated entries are gonna be fun, so I shall start with one todayy ^^ haha
I'm not posting the direct youtube links because I don't think this is everyone's kind of thing.. haha don't say you weren't warned! The first two videos are fine, but if you are straight as an arrow and cannot accept any sort of deviance from social norms, don't click on the third link! Oh- I forgot to say what the videos are about *guffaws* haha they're actually "photospreads" people made of some really good looking girls :D
By the way, don't misunderstand and think that I'm some wierdo with a strange fetish X) I only chanced upon these videos when I was searching for some other totally non-related stuff so.. yea :D enjoy~ (haha is that the right word to use mann)
Anyway, it's the 24th October 2010 today, and exams are officially 14 days away.
So.. why am I still on the computer??
Haha because I feel unwell, so I decided to give myself a teeny weeny break :)
Lalala time to go study noww~