Hiiii peeps! *waves enthusiastically*
It's time for another back-dated post ^~^ haha so far, 5 papers down (inc. 1 geog, 1 chem, 2 gp and 2 math papers) and I have 4 days till the next 2 papers so I'm going to make the most out of every minute and study!!! Haha frankly, it's hard to believe that one week of Alevels has already passed.. and that there are 3 more (hopefully, not painful) weeks to go. Time is simply passing too quickly, in a good and bad way haha.
I feel that the exams started off on the wrong foot with Physical Geography, but I really hope I can still get my A if I work ULTRA hard for Human Geography. Pwetty pleaseeee? *bwinks bwinks my cute little eyes* hehe :D The following 3 papers weren't too good either, if not even awful, in particular Chemistry paper 3, which was a real puzzler. The feeling I got from the paper while I was doing it was as if I had never studied chemistry before in my entire life (cos I was too baffled at the qns) which is darn ridiculous la. I studied so hard for chemistry for the past 1 and half years and what did it amount to on Tuesday? Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!
Thinking back, I don't really see the significance of practicing all those past year paper 3s, because not only didn't they help a single bit (not even a teeny weeny bit mann), they even lulled me into a state of complacency.. For those who know, the past year paper 3s were all very guided, with a ton of marks to pick up all over the place, and the questions were quite clear-cut, testing our understanding of the core topics. But the paper this Tuesday was a major "huH?" kind of paper; I don't think they tested much, except our tolerance for its strangeness? ZZZzzZ
Then the next 2 papers were GP essay and comprehension. The latter was fairly manageable, but I just had to mess up my AQ at this crucial exam right, didn't I? As for the essay component, it wasn't that bad but I'm not confident of getting an A overall because the question I did was an impromptu choice. I'm still flabbergasted at the fact that there were no questions about globalisation, war, governance, gender, media, science or even terrorism (hello people-over-there, don't you know just how pertinent the terrorism threat is in the world now?) which were what I prepared for (they are pretty much what we learnt in school anw). Lol, I thought GP was about testing our knowledge about current global issues, which is why we have to read Newsweek or Times religiously right? Now I know better.. How global is "the person who dies rich dies disgraced" or how important is "can mathematics be seen as anything more than a useful tool in everyday life?"? We didn't even cover the topic of mathematics before in class if I'm not wrong.. HAHA but life's like that yea.
I think the Alevels really forces a lot of people to grow up amidst all the stress and everything.. and if you can't handle it, it will make or break a person, which is saddening.. I understand because I've been through it, and sometimes, self-encouragement doesn't help much. It makes one feel better for a while, just that while, but after that you're back to square one again X) haha and I'm not the type who will run crying to friends (same as Danson!) so all I can say is.. Life is tough! (and I'm saying that when we are not even in the workforce yet!) I think working people would rather work than study though hAhA.
Anyway, time to end off this lengthy post! Let's hope that my next post will be a more positive one! WHEEEE love ya all ~
Song Of The Day: You Wouldn't Pick Up My Call by 2AM