Haha that was how I felt just now, but I don't feel like elaborating on it anymore.
In fact, I don't feel like typing anything at all because of a sudden feeling of emptiness.
Let's just fill up the void in our lives with music yea. And forget all about the disgusting exams that suck the life out of us like dementors. Darn them. If only I could summon my patronus.. which I'm sure will come in the form of a.. er- monkey? eagle? Most likely the latter..
Oh, speaking of which, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 opened in theatres yesterday!!!!! WOWZERS! But I can't watch it now, because I have to- what else, study.. [-.-] So the next best thing I can do is to watch it right after my exams with my sister, in about say, 2 weeks? I am SO looking foward to the end of all this studying man. So, so looking foward to freedom..
Oooh, and the next time I'm back, I shall share with you my latest idea -- The MoMO Cafe ^^!! Byeee~
"Empty" by JYJ (empty, so cold, you and I..)
"Midnight Sun" by F.Cuz