"我记得我爱过" by 何润东(台剧泡沫之夏)
哈哈 蛮好听的一首歌,因为歌手真的把男主角们那种揪心的痛唱出来了
不过我不太喜欢这部戏的剧情,因为不但不真实,而且还拖拖拉拉的 -.-
有看头的也只有黄晓明而已 :D
哦 对了,要告诉你们,我即将要当老师了!! ㄱㄱ ^~^
哈哈 好开心过了interview那关,不过现在也有点担心我将会教的班会有什么样的学生呢?
Alright, let's revert back to english cos I'm tired of typing in chinese.. Hmm this week was pretty hectic because of prom, sleepover and all, and I'm quite worn out because of everything so I'm really looking foward to next week and the upcoming holiday trip! Prom was fun, and yet also unfun because of a variety of reasons, like the fact that I didn't win the itouch, xbox or ipad X) or the disappointing food, but still, it was quite a cool experience overall. Mingling with friends, seeing people make a fool out of themselves on stage so as to entertain (us), checking out all the fashion misses-and-hits (haha but alas, I still haven't secured a picture of the bride yet). It was fun, haha sort of, but grad nite was definitely not "boring" as I overheard in many conversations. Tsk, so much effort went into preparing for grad nite, and the best you can do is to dismiss it as boring?!
A main grouse of mine though is that I didn't take enough pictures :( I wanted to take pictures with all my OG mates and ex-classmates and maybe just about everyone I know (see how enthu I am haha), but cos I wasn't wearing my glasses, (for maybe 85% of the time) I couldn't see them (to facilitate my grabbing of them to take a photo) even if I walked past them. Haha okay my sight isn't that bad.. I can see people, but only those standing closer to me, so my pictures are simply limited to those I bump into in the cocktail area. Which is not a lot haha X)
I should have just worn my glasses right *sniffsniffs* anyway, time to share some pretty prom pictures (alliteration at work!)
"we have to grow old, but we don't have to grow up :)"