Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, 12 May 2012


It has been a loong loong time since I've dedicated a post to MUSIC so I shall do so today! Today's post will be slightly different because unlike previous entries whereby only kpop was covered, today's post will include *drumrolls* english songs too!!! Hahaha surprise surprise right! (oh and not forgetting this pretty font that's called "Fantasy" ^______^) I think the last time I actually listened to english songs proper was wayy back in Secondary 1 but then again, it was mostly because I was in an emo-phase and english songs happened to be relatable. Since then, I've listened to a random smattering of English songs but never really tuned into any specific band. Unless you count Justin Bieber haha :D that pretty much sums up my exposure to the english music scene in the last year or so HEE XP and before you're quick to judge and criticise my music tastes, rest assured I'm no hardcore Belieber or teenybopper! I like Justin Bieber for his story, for his dreams and his perserverance in making his dreams come through and if that shines through in his songs, well, they're going on my playlist ^^ My personal favourites gotta be Somebody to Love, Pray and Under the Mistletoe hahaha

Moving on, let's cover familiar ground first.

My songpick of the month is....
"Jaywalking" by Seung Joon (Shut Up! Flower Boyband OST)

Best listened to with the volume cranked up to MAX!
It tells the story of two friends (note that the eng subs are slightly off; the part "my darling girl" should actually be translated as  "you, whom I love" or "my loved one") who love and rely each other a lot, only to be separated by a car accident. I have a soft spot for bromances haha so naturally, I was very touched by the song lyrics *sniffs* The singer also has a very unique husky voice, that I think complements the song very well. :D ENJOY!

"Blue" by Big Bang
(try out "Fantastic Baby" and "Bad boy" if you want something more hiphop :D)

A couple of nice songs (worth my time, at least):

"Insane" by BtoB (pretty interesting group, watch out for coverage on it in future posts!)

"Know your name" by Jay Park

"After a long time" by Baek Ji Young (Rooftop Prince OST) 

"Mama" by Exo-K

Latest offering from SM Entertainment (turns up nose in disgust haha). As usual, power vocals CHECK! slick dance cheoreography CHECK! and pretty boys (Uh, 70%?) CHECK! It's a really hyped up boygroup and you can clearly see the time and money invested in them, but I'm not very impressed with this song. It has a trance-like quality which could sound cool (but it just doesn't make musical sense to my ears) and is pretty addictive but I just don't like it hahaha Look out for the guy in white anyway (Kai); he's quite a looker(?) - okay, you don't even have to make an effort to look out for him cos he's SO CONSPICUOUS - apparently, he's ridiculously talented (ballet, jazz dance background etc.) *__* but frankly I can't tell cos he doesn't sing during the song. Which doens't make sense actually. SM Ent must have chosen him to be the face of the band (which explains why he has the colours which stand out the most) but it's just awkward for him to draw so much attention only to lipsync -.-"

English songs timeee :)

"Viva la Vida" by Coldplay

Don't ask me why I like it; I just do.
It made me stop in my tracks whilst shopping just to listen to the lyrics <3
lthas a really calming effect on the mind, so listen to this if you need to relax!

"Apologize" by One Republic

Another song that has a therapeutic effect on me :)

"Dear God" by Avenge Sevenfold

I'm not exactly sure if the song is about the girl or God, but a good listen nonetheless. Chanced upon Avenge Sevenfold when I was at RWS and overheard a song or so. I couldn't see the band cos it was a building away but I can already imagine the amount of headbanging going on XD In fact, Mummy was shaking her head in disapproval at all the screaming going on hahahahaa :D I've only listened to around 4-5 songs on youtube and I have to say they seem pretty subdued, compared to the live acts!
OMG I just listened to 2 more songs and I feel almost scarred ("A little piece of heaven" sounds too innocent for its actual content -______- SIGHH Why did I click on it?)

"Almost Easy" is much better but I'm not in the mood for noisy music now haha