Wow, it has been a really, really long time since I last posted!
Ohh and if you've noticed, I've changed my blog template as well- it wasn't exactly a voluntary move on my part though.. I had to change it because my previous template just disappeared *sulks* I don't like the current template as much but oh well, it'll have to stay till I find a template to my liking (and after I figure out how to change it lols)!
Alright.. so what is there to talk about today?
School's out so perhaps I could talk a little about how the past term has been..? It has to be the toughest term out of the three terms thus far.. the modules are more tedious and straining, the professors are stricter and the people, more distant! I've got to know a couple of girls much better this term but still, I haven't met anyone who can truly connect with me. I'm totally fine with just making normal friends but sometimes, inevitably it gets lonely.
School feels pretty lonely at times. It's not that I do not have friends- if I think about it, I do have quite a bit of friends (that I can comfortably be with), just that they're not from law school. Naturally, the chance of seeing them or hanging out with them is reduced drastically since I'm in my own school building 95% of the time.. Sigh.
Fortunately, I'm not a social butterfly so I don't always have to be with close friends 24/7 or so- some people may find this sad but why not look at it in a positive light? I see it as a source of strength (somewhat) XD There are some who are so reliant on their friends, they cannot eat alone, shop alone or do much on their own- that I think is then a real problem.
I'll try to make more friends, definitely, but.. it sounds way easier than it actually is >_<
I will try though! 다들 아자 아자 화이팅!!!!
난 열심히할게! \(^___^)/