Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Had a super tiring day today.. I never knew that not doing anything could make one soo soo tired.. It may seem ironical, but we were seriously exhausted from not moving or talking.. =.=

But frankly, the science camp rehearsal today was a waste of time (and the most unmeaningful CIP hours ever earned) because of the 5+ hours we spent there from 11.30am to 5.20pm, we only spent, say 30 minutes with the participants? So I really didn't see any point in us being there in the first place, when the questions could have simply been just pasted on the wall.. I mean, 30 minutes of station-mastering : 5 hours languishing in boredom and the stifling heat is ridiculous!! Plus we had to deal with that annoying J1 team who couldn't really be bothered to participate seriously, (one guy was like "there's a reason for a dry run" and gave me the *duh look*, whereas I was like "wth! we waited 1 hour plus for such a cocky group?!" *unbelievable expression*) and that really irritated me to the max. TSKTSK

Anyway, considering that there were only 6 teams today but we already overran the schedule by close to an hour, I wonder what time we will be going home on the real thing.. Would 9pm be a safe bet? Haha but at least I had domo-kun around today to entertain me with his funny rants (of how he's gonna force them to jaywalk instead, or how he wanted to give them the finger, but unfortunately, couldn't XD) Initially, I was quite apprehensive as to how today would be, since I'm not particularly close to domo-kun, and hence was naturally worried that we would have nothing to talk about but luckily, everything went well! YAYY =D I even learnt some new things about domo-kun these 2 days!

1. His name is spelt with only 1 R *sheepish look*

2. He has an extremely common chinese name - 俊杰

3. Macdonalds make him happy =)
heehee ^^ I finally find someone who thinks the same way as me too! But I didn't tell him that lest he thought that I wanted to steal his fries! But for me, fries make me really happy because they are 快乐波的多!!

4. He's a bad events organiser.
cos the last time he organised an outing for him and his friends, it consisted of a meal at Cafe Cartel, a shopping trip at Carrefour (o.O!!), Carls Jr (foodfoodandmorefood!!) and then home sweet home. Haha how interesting~

5. He's a funny guy, but albeit sarcastic too.

Anyway, time for some pictures!

Old Supreme Court - the place where we were stuck at for half the day

Nice view (1) from the driveway

Nice view (2) from the driveway

Ooh, look who's this!! One of the many companions we had today!

ehh, is it the same one as above? *confused look* dunno eh.. all same colour XD HAHA

By the way.. I finally cut my hair today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (after practically one month of saying but not doing it) so now we have a pretty maddie! =P


Good nite and sweet dreams, everyone~