Woah, the World Cup this year is seriously jinxed, and definitely not making any punters' day out there better because all the good, world-class teams are either drawing (可现在不是学画画的时间!) or losing.. Just look at the string of matches recently:
France-Mexico: 0-2 (shock-o-meter O_o!!)
England-Algeria: 0-0 (shock-o-meter O_o !!!!!)
Germany-Serbia: 0-1 (shock-o-meter O_o !!!)
Spain-Switzerland: 0-1 (shock-o-meter O_o!!!!)
USA-Slovenia: 2-2 (shock-o-meter O_o !)
Brazil-N.Korea: 2-1 (shock-o-meter O_o !!)
Have the great and mighty really fallen!!
Instead, all hail the vuvuzelas and jabulanis! (psst.. it's a wonder nobody's gone deaf yet)
Still, I really hope that Germany will make it to, at least the semifinals; whereas S.Korea can make it to the quarterfinals.. 대한민국 화이팅 화이팅 화이팅!!
Oh and before I forget, I just wanted to talk a little about Orchard river.. while it may seem rather amusing to people how the most famous and expensive shopping district in S'pore turned into a muddy canal in an afternoon (it's alright to joke about it in a light-hearted manner cos it's really quite funny, but draw the line at malice and sarcasm), I feel that all the criticism from S'poreans that followed the incident was totally unwarranted. One particular comment that got on my nerve was about how S'pore resembled a "third world country" just because Orchard road flooded... Oh yea? Cos if that were really true, then (wow!) you are currently living in a third world country which floods everytime it rains and yet which allows you to sit comfortably in front of your computer, within the comfort of your (possibly highrise) home while typing such ludicrous comments on yahoo? It doesn't take a third world drainage system for a flood to occur(nor an intelligent brain to understand this) when more than 60% of a month's rainfall falls over the central area in one afternoon, toopidd.
People who make such irresponsible comments (if you think yours are justified, then self-exempt yourself) should have been thrown into the "river" then to soak up the water like sponges. Toopid sponges.
._. urgh it's really late now.. I shall go sleep now so that I can wake up really early tomorrow to finish my tuition homework (gary seriously stresses me out).. Nities~