Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Some fun and interesting photos from my Genting trip :)

 Cute little strawberries (I think this is the first time I'm seeing strawberry plants!)
 Beautiful red roses <3 p="p"> 
 Purple flowers (I can't remember the name offhand)
 Champagne roses!
 Teehee :P What's a trip to the strawberry farm without some photos of myself with the farm!
At the lavender flower shop!

Thursday, 13th December 2012

Wow, it has been a really, really long time since I last posted!

Ohh and if you've noticed, I've changed my blog template as well- it wasn't exactly a voluntary move on my part though.. I had to change it because my previous template just disappeared *sulks* I don't like the current template as much but oh well, it'll have to stay till I find a template to my liking (and after I figure out how to change it lols)!

Alright.. so what is there to talk about today?

School's out so perhaps I could talk a little about how the past term has been..? It has to be the toughest term out of the three terms thus far.. the modules are more tedious and straining, the professors are stricter and the people, more distant! I've got to know a couple of girls much better this term but still, I haven't met anyone who can truly connect with me. I'm totally fine with just making normal friends but sometimes, inevitably it gets lonely.

School feels pretty lonely at times. It's not that I do not have friends- if I think about it, I do have quite a bit of friends (that I can comfortably be with), just that they're not from law school. Naturally, the chance of seeing them or hanging out with them is reduced drastically since I'm in my own school building 95% of the time.. Sigh.

Fortunately, I'm not a social butterfly so I don't always have to be with close friends 24/7 or so- some people may find this sad but why not look at it in a positive light? I see it as a source of strength (somewhat) XD There are some who are so reliant on their friends, they cannot eat alone, shop alone or do much on their own- that I think is then a real problem. 

I'll try to make more friends, definitely, but.. it sounds way easier than it actually is >_<
I will try though! 다들 아자 아자  화이팅!!!!

난 열심히할게! \(^___^)/

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, 23 July 2012

Haha I was going through my old posts and I really enjoyed what I read :) *wistful smile*

If I had to say, the person who was typing all those posts then seems totally different from the present me.. it's hasn't even been that long, but I feel like something deep inside has changed.. And I don't like it at all. I miss the maddie from before, I miss her lightheartedness, her witty and cynical take on issues, her cheerfulness and her enthusiasm in penning new posts.

I hope I'm still the same ol' person.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, 12 May 2012


It has been a loong loong time since I've dedicated a post to MUSIC so I shall do so today! Today's post will be slightly different because unlike previous entries whereby only kpop was covered, today's post will include *drumrolls* english songs too!!! Hahaha surprise surprise right! (oh and not forgetting this pretty font that's called "Fantasy" ^______^) I think the last time I actually listened to english songs proper was wayy back in Secondary 1 but then again, it was mostly because I was in an emo-phase and english songs happened to be relatable. Since then, I've listened to a random smattering of English songs but never really tuned into any specific band. Unless you count Justin Bieber haha :D that pretty much sums up my exposure to the english music scene in the last year or so HEE XP and before you're quick to judge and criticise my music tastes, rest assured I'm no hardcore Belieber or teenybopper! I like Justin Bieber for his story, for his dreams and his perserverance in making his dreams come through and if that shines through in his songs, well, they're going on my playlist ^^ My personal favourites gotta be Somebody to Love, Pray and Under the Mistletoe hahaha

Moving on, let's cover familiar ground first.

My songpick of the month is....
"Jaywalking" by Seung Joon (Shut Up! Flower Boyband OST)

Best listened to with the volume cranked up to MAX!
It tells the story of two friends (note that the eng subs are slightly off; the part "my darling girl" should actually be translated as  "you, whom I love" or "my loved one") who love and rely each other a lot, only to be separated by a car accident. I have a soft spot for bromances haha so naturally, I was very touched by the song lyrics *sniffs* The singer also has a very unique husky voice, that I think complements the song very well. :D ENJOY!

"Blue" by Big Bang
(try out "Fantastic Baby" and "Bad boy" if you want something more hiphop :D)

A couple of nice songs (worth my time, at least):

"Insane" by BtoB (pretty interesting group, watch out for coverage on it in future posts!)

"Know your name" by Jay Park

"After a long time" by Baek Ji Young (Rooftop Prince OST) 

"Mama" by Exo-K

Latest offering from SM Entertainment (turns up nose in disgust haha). As usual, power vocals CHECK! slick dance cheoreography CHECK! and pretty boys (Uh, 70%?) CHECK! It's a really hyped up boygroup and you can clearly see the time and money invested in them, but I'm not very impressed with this song. It has a trance-like quality which could sound cool (but it just doesn't make musical sense to my ears) and is pretty addictive but I just don't like it hahaha Look out for the guy in white anyway (Kai); he's quite a looker(?) - okay, you don't even have to make an effort to look out for him cos he's SO CONSPICUOUS - apparently, he's ridiculously talented (ballet, jazz dance background etc.) *__* but frankly I can't tell cos he doesn't sing during the song. Which doens't make sense actually. SM Ent must have chosen him to be the face of the band (which explains why he has the colours which stand out the most) but it's just awkward for him to draw so much attention only to lipsync -.-"

English songs timeee :)

"Viva la Vida" by Coldplay

Don't ask me why I like it; I just do.
It made me stop in my tracks whilst shopping just to listen to the lyrics <3
lthas a really calming effect on the mind, so listen to this if you need to relax!

"Apologize" by One Republic

Another song that has a therapeutic effect on me :)

"Dear God" by Avenge Sevenfold

I'm not exactly sure if the song is about the girl or God, but a good listen nonetheless. Chanced upon Avenge Sevenfold when I was at RWS and overheard a song or so. I couldn't see the band cos it was a building away but I can already imagine the amount of headbanging going on XD In fact, Mummy was shaking her head in disapproval at all the screaming going on hahahahaa :D I've only listened to around 4-5 songs on youtube and I have to say they seem pretty subdued, compared to the live acts!
OMG I just listened to 2 more songs and I feel almost scarred ("A little piece of heaven" sounds too innocent for its actual content -______- SIGHH Why did I click on it?)

"Almost Easy" is much better but I'm not in the mood for noisy music now haha

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, 5 May 2012

Meh. This is depressing. T^T

I keep narrating my thoughts to myself at night right before I sleep - I have no idea why I do that - (maybe my mind is always in blogging-mode?) but this seriously gotta stop. Because I need my sleep. I can't stand tossing and turning for hours, and with so much on my mind -.-


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Mr Blur Penguin and I ^~^


태양 만져 봐~

 태양!! 너무이쁘당!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

I'm back!

Glorious Summer has arrived! WHEEEE :D

Anyway, I chanced upon a post about FTB (Freshmen Orientation) that has been lying hidden in a folder for the past 9 months! (o_o)!! So up it's gonna go!


I really enjoyed FTB so I’m going to dedicate one entire post to the 3D2N trip :D and immortalize those wonderful, brilliant feelings in this blog, so that one day, I can look back fondly upon these memories and smile proudly, and happily..

So FTB was in fact, off to a rough start for me because on my way to school, I got into a slight argument with my dad over the size of the bag I was bringing and I became quite unhappy. My bag was considerably large (handheld luggage) because there was simply no way I could stuff 6-7 sets of clothes, towels, toiletries and all into a bag-pack (I have absolutely NO idea how people are able to stuff so many things into a school bag) but he just kept ranting on and on about how impractical that was. -.- Like that would make my bag lighter or something. Urgh. As a result, I was pretty upset as I made my way to the Auditorium, dao-ing all the doorboys and doorgirls who had the widest smiles ever on their faces (sorry! it was unintentional!). That hostility even extended to my facilitator- who had to deal with a very surly-looking girl early in the morning haha. I had thought then that the bad mood would extend on for the rest of the camp, but fortunately things took a turn for the better. Woohoo SMURFS10 rocks!
Initially, I was damn siann while waiting in the auditorium for everything to start because no one was talking! Both people sitting beside me were occupied with their own stuff- Josh was on his phone, YiChong was busy reading newspapers…  whilst I was doing nothing D: At that point in time, I was kinda envious of Livia, who had the luxury of sitting next to a hyper and super-enthu guy because at least someone was making some noise! Unlike the VERY VERY awkward silence around the 3 of us.. I didn’t want my camp to start like that because if we can’t even make friends with the people beside us, when are we going to ever make friends with them?! So I just casually started a conversation with the less-occupied one, Josh, asking about his name, JC, school, ambition blablabla so as to fill up the uncomfortable silence hanging in the air. It came as a surprise to me later that because of my attempt to get the conversation going, Josh had the impression that I was a chatty person haha WOW :D first time hearing that- not bad not bad! But it’s not true after all, because it was a very conscious effort on my part to make small talk.. here’s a sneak peek into my mind at that time: XD

1)      *sigh* I’m sleepy…

2)      *sighhhh* I’m sleepy and bored…

3)      *excited for a while* I see livia! *sighs again* we’re too far away to talk properly…

4)      (looks around) nobody’s talking. Why are people being so anti-social? And seriously, reading the newspapers at camp?? o_O?!!

5)      *sigh* so sian.. Should I talk to someone? But who to talk to? Talk about what? (Glances around frantically, hoping to find a support but found none)

6)      *huge sigh* this is getting hopeless. I shall just TALK!

Hahahahaha do you get the gist now? All the internal struggle just for a simple conversation haha :D
Actually I’m tired of typing now XDD so much for one day already! But it was also on this day that we learnt new games like “EEE-HAR/BarnHOUSE! /0\ and bigtittycougar”, MRT game and got to know new people like our dear facilitators, Brian and Yunsu (Korean!! But I didn’t feel like we could be close friends, which is plain sad) and of course, not forgetting SMURFS10!

SMURFS10: Moi, Ain, Tabitha, Chelsea,  YuXuan, Hayati, Gabriel, Josh, Jianyang, YiChong
I didn’t enjoy the first day as much as the second and third day though despite having played FUZZY WUZZY and had an insanely fun time trying to figure it out -.- mind torture.. haha people must understand that HINTS ain’t worth anything if I don’t even understand the hint in the first place HAHA but naooo I know *proud ^^* FUZZY WUZZY likes kangaroos, but does not like pigs! FUZZY WUZZY likes books but not paper (this was confusing, I have to admit) and trees but not leaves. We painted our group flag and came up with a contract too but such activities aren’t very exciting yea?
The real “activities” came after that, but I didn’t exactly see any difference between those before and after lunch. They all felt pointless to me. The first game involved lifting people through a small gap in mid-air whilst the second game involved entering and exiting a ‘spiderweb’ while balancing matchboxes; they were challenging (especially the lifting game) but I felt, of little significance. As I told my mum after the camp, I only like games that are HAPPINESS-INDUCING, FUN-LIKE-NO-ONE’S-BUSINESS and INTERACTIVE! :P GAMES LIKE DINGDONG!!! I don’t really care if the game has an emphasis on intelligence, teamwork or organizational skills- if I don’t enjoy it, it’s a stupid game. Period.
Haha you can surely tell that I LOVED the game DINGDONG (played on the 2nd day) because frankly, I think it’s the ultimate game of the century!!!!! It’s ridiculously simple, (even more so than ABC!) yet it provides such awesome fun! I don’t remember laughing that uncontrollably before, and the best part was everyone else was laughing too as if we were all high on laughing gas XD It was a really liberating experience for me :) to be able to laugh freely without holding back..
The laughing stopped when it was time to sleep though, because you would be crazy to still be able to laugh at the ohmygawditsobleddyhardanduncomfortable ground we had to sleep on. T^T Oh! Did I forget to mention that we were sleeping in tents? In the unevenly-tiled courtyard? *MAJOR SIGH* It was such a painful experience that I can’t bear the thought of thinking about it- this is basically how it went:
12.30pm- hops back to tent to sleep
12.30pm-1am- toss and turn (X10000000) while trying to block out the noise from everyone else (those people totally didn’t need to sleep  -.-)
1am-2am- Gave up on attempting to sleep; decided to venture out to see stars and have a HTHT with Livia (actually bumped into her as she returned from a loo trip) and Lee Tat
2am-3.30am- toss and turn (X10000000), waking up to keep towels cos of the rain; adjust tent flaps
3.30am-4.55am- I suspect I slept for a while, in between tossing, turning, sitting up and changing sleeping positions for like the thousandth time ever D:
4.55am- sits up, goes “OMG it’s 5am”, then lies back down
6am- someone is telling me it’s time to wake up *panda rolls sloowwly and painfullyyy out of tent*
6.30am- thinks to self, “ I think my bones are going to break” hahahah and trods sadly to loo
That said, I couldn’t have been happier for the next day’s arrival because sleeping (or severe lack of it) was unbearable that day.. It rained heavily on the 2nd day, flooded all the tents (ours spared, fortunately) and just when I was thinking that maybeeee, perhapssss (puppy-eyed dog trots out) we could sleep somewhere else more comfy.. ALAS! THEY *shoots evil glance at them* had other plans for us T_T In the end, we had to sleep at the CCC- sheltered, but with equally hard flooring… OUCH in advance haha. On a side note, how do you make an emoticon with a pained expression? >:c   D:<  ]:<
Okayy, I’m seriously tired of typing now. I shall just skip the day games on Day 2, and talk briefly about night games and rafting. Final challenge will have to wait a while!
Night games which I think took place on the 1st night:
scissors-paper-stone game (funfunfun)

is-that-real-coke-or-not game (still have no idea what gave me away)
time-to-smear-some-kind-of-disgusting-paste-like-peanut-butter-on-you game (I got peanut butter on my neck… …)
torchlight activity (UBER SIANZ cos I wasn’t entirely in the picture. I was. Translucent. Damn. Pissed.)
painting-with-any-other-body-parts-apart-from-your-hands game (I completely DID NOT agree to paint cos I was pissed from before)
HTHT talk with facilitators about SMU, people etc.
Very interesting because I think this is my first time ever building a raft from scratch! Lots of knots-tying, lifting of barrels and tubes (I’M MACHOMAN NOW! :D) and woohoo, floating on the water!! ^_^ I didn’t know how to do the knots by myself, so I made sure that I helped out as much as I could! I’m not going to do nothing just cos I don’t know how to do it! Positive attitude right!!
Final Challenge:
Very pleasant experience overall . The team fully understood the meaning of “the strongest team is only as strong as its weakest link” and I fully respect them for that. Apart from a few irritating moments, like getting dunked by buckets of seawater and sand mixtures (the person in charge can’t aim for nuts ):<) and being the target of someone’s impatience (the person was going “Stop pressing! Stop pressing!” in a super irritating tone, but I didn’t realize till the end that she was actually talking to me because I obviously wasn’t pressing anything.. that sort of annoyed me quite a bit because she was the one who was actually applying pressure to the item =.=) everything else was GREAT! ^~^

At the end of it all, I was actually reluctant to leave because time simply passed too quickly :'( SOBS I was only starting to enjoy myself, the fun was just starting, but the camp was ending! Regardless, I left the camp a very happy, and even possibly, slightly changed person.

FTB 2011, SMURFS10 Forever!!

(psst more on romance in the next post heehee if I decide to share it ^^)

OOOHH here's a cute little penguin to end off the post!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

First post in close to 7 months.. and boy, how have things changed in these 7 months! The last time I posted, FTB run 1 was just over but now, university has started and I'm already in the second term of Year 1!

I feel pretty apologetic to myself for not having blogged at all in the past half year or so, because this blog was meant to chart (sort of) my development as a person, my growth as an individual. And if I can't even manage my time well enough to spare 20 minutes or so each other week for a post, what kind of improvement is there to speak of.. But I shall try harder from now on!

So how has life been since university started? All I can say is that it has just been tiring and more tiring. Day in, day out, life has always been about readings, more readings and even more readings. Otherwise, it's about presentations, projects, assignments and exams. Where has all the fun in life disappeared too?

Gosh, thinking about school makes me feel lethargic; the blogging mood has completely evaporated as well.

Goodbye for today then.