I'm back!
Glorious Summer has arrived! WHEEEE :D
Anyway, I chanced upon a post about FTB (Freshmen Orientation) that has been lying hidden in a folder for the past 9 months! (o_o)!! So up it's gonna go!
I really enjoyed FTB so I’m
going to dedicate one entire post to the 3D2N trip :D and immortalize those wonderful,
brilliant feelings in this blog, so that one day, I can look back fondly upon
these memories and smile proudly, and happily..
So FTB was
in fact, off to a rough start for me because on my way to school, I got into a
slight argument with my dad over the size of the bag I was bringing and I
became quite unhappy. My bag was considerably large (handheld luggage) because
there was simply no way I could stuff 6-7 sets of clothes, towels, toiletries
and all into a bag-pack (I have absolutely NO idea how people are able to stuff
so many things into a school bag) but he just kept ranting on and on about how
impractical that was. -.- Like that would make my bag lighter or something.
Urgh. As a result, I was pretty upset as I made my way to the Auditorium,
dao-ing all the doorboys and doorgirls who had the widest smiles ever on their
faces (sorry! it was unintentional!). That hostility even extended to my
facilitator- who had to deal with a very surly-looking girl early in the
morning haha. I had thought then that the bad mood would extend on for the rest
of the camp, but fortunately things took a turn for the better. Woohoo SMURFS10
I was damn siann while waiting in the auditorium for everything to start
because no one was talking! Both people sitting beside me were occupied with
their own stuff- Josh was on his phone, YiChong was busy reading newspapers… whilst I was doing nothing D: At that point
in time, I was kinda envious of Livia, who had the luxury of sitting next to a
hyper and super-enthu guy because at least someone was making some noise!
Unlike the VERY VERY awkward silence around the 3 of us.. I didn’t want my camp
to start like that because if we can’t even make friends with the people beside
us, when are we going to ever make friends with them?! So I just casually
started a conversation with the less-occupied one, Josh, asking about his name,
JC, school, ambition blablabla so as to fill up the uncomfortable silence
hanging in the air. It came as a surprise to me later that because of my
attempt to get the conversation going, Josh had the impression that I was a
chatty person haha WOW :D first time hearing that- not bad not bad! But it’s
not true after all, because it was a very conscious effort on my part to make
small talk.. here’s a sneak peek into my mind at that time: XD
I’m sleepy…
I’m sleepy and bored…
for a while* I see livia! *sighs again* we’re too far away to talk properly…
around) nobody’s talking. Why are people being so anti-social? And seriously,
reading the newspapers at camp?? o_O?!!
so sian.. Should I talk to someone? But who to talk to? Talk about what? (Glances
around frantically, hoping to find a support but found none)
sigh* this is getting hopeless. I shall just TALK!
do you get the gist now? All the internal struggle just for a simple
conversation haha :D
I’m tired of typing now XDD so much for one day already! But it was also on
this day that we learnt new games like “EEE-HAR/BarnHOUSE! /0\ and
bigtittycougar”, MRT game and got to know new people like our dear
facilitators, Brian and Yunsu (Korean!! But I didn’t feel like we could be
close friends, which is plain sad) and of course, not forgetting SMURFS10!
Moi, Ain, Tabitha, Chelsea, YuXuan,
Hayati, Gabriel, Josh, Jianyang, YiChong
I didn’t
enjoy the first day as much as the second and third day though despite having played
FUZZY WUZZY and had an insanely fun time trying to figure it out -.- mind
torture.. haha people must understand that HINTS ain’t worth anything if I
don’t even understand the hint in the first place HAHA but naooo I know *proud
^^* FUZZY WUZZY likes kangaroos, but does not like pigs! FUZZY WUZZY likes
books but not paper (this was confusing, I have to admit) and trees but not
leaves. We painted our group flag and came up with a contract too but such
activities aren’t very exciting yea?
The real “activities”
came after that, but I didn’t exactly see any difference between those before
and after lunch. They all felt pointless
to me. The first game involved lifting people through a small gap in mid-air
whilst the second game involved entering and exiting a ‘spiderweb’ while
balancing matchboxes; they were challenging (especially the lifting game) but I
felt, of little significance. As I told my mum after the camp, I only like
:P GAMES LIKE DINGDONG!!! I don’t really care if the game has an emphasis on intelligence,
teamwork or organizational skills- if I don’t enjoy it, it’s a stupid game.
Haha you
can surely tell that I LOVED the game DINGDONG (played on the 2nd day)
because frankly, I think it’s the ultimate game of the century!!!!! It’s
ridiculously simple, (even more so than ABC!) yet it provides such awesome fun!
I don’t remember laughing that uncontrollably before, and the best part was
everyone else was laughing too as if we were all high on laughing gas XD It was
a really liberating experience for me :) to be able to laugh freely without
holding back..
laughing stopped when it was time to sleep though, because you would be crazy
to still be able to laugh at the ohmygawditsobleddyhardanduncomfortable ground
we had to sleep on. T^T Oh! Did I forget to mention that we were sleeping in
tents? In the unevenly-tiled courtyard? *MAJOR SIGH* It was such a painful
experience that I can’t bear the thought of thinking about it- this is
basically how it went:
hops back to tent to sleep
toss and turn (X10000000) while trying to block out the noise from everyone else (those people
totally didn’t need to sleep -.-)
Gave up on attempting to sleep; decided to venture out to see stars and have a HTHT with Livia (actually bumped into her as she returned
from a loo trip) and Lee Tat
toss and turn (X10000000), waking up to keep towels cos of the rain; adjust
tent flaps
I suspect I slept for a while, in between tossing, turning, sitting up and
changing sleeping positions for like the thousandth time ever D:
sits up, goes “OMG it’s 5am”, then lies back down
someone is telling me it’s time to wake up *panda rolls sloowwly and
painfullyyy out of tent*
thinks to self, “ I think my bones are going to break” hahahah and trods sadly
to loo
That said,
I couldn’t have been happier for the next day’s arrival because sleeping (or
severe lack of it) was unbearable that day.. It rained heavily on the 2nd
day, flooded all the tents (ours spared, fortunately) and just when I was
thinking that maybeeee, perhapssss (puppy-eyed dog trots out) we could sleep
somewhere else more comfy.. ALAS! THEY *shoots evil glance at them* had other
plans for us T_T In the end, we had to sleep at the CCC- sheltered, but with
equally hard flooring… OUCH in advance haha. On a side note, how do you make an
emoticon with a pained expression? >:c
D:< ]:<
Okayy, I’m
seriously tired of typing now. I shall just skip the day games on Day 2, and
talk briefly about night games and rafting. Final challenge will have to wait a
Night games
which I think took place on the 1st night:
game (funfunfun)
game (still have no idea what gave me away)
game (I got peanut butter on my neck… …)
activity (UBER SIANZ cos I wasn’t entirely in the picture. I was. Translucent.
Damn. Pissed.)
game (I completely DID NOT agree to paint cos I was pissed from before)
HTHT talk
with facilitators about SMU, people etc.
interesting because I think this is my first time ever building a raft from
scratch! Lots of knots-tying, lifting of barrels and tubes (I’M MACHOMAN NOW!
:D) and woohoo, floating on the water!! ^_^ I didn’t know how to do the knots
by myself, so I made sure that I helped out as much as I could! I’m not going
to do nothing just cos I don’t know how to do it! Positive attitude right!!
pleasant experience overall . The team fully understood the meaning of “the
strongest team is only as strong as its weakest link” and I fully respect them
for that. Apart from a few irritating moments, like getting dunked by buckets
of seawater and sand mixtures (the person in charge can’t aim for nuts ):<)
and being the target of someone’s impatience (the person was going “Stop
pressing! Stop pressing!” in a super irritating tone, but I didn’t realize till
the end that she was actually talking to me because I obviously wasn’t pressing
anything.. that sort of annoyed me quite a bit because she was the one who was
actually applying pressure to the item =.=) everything else was GREAT! ^~^
At the end
of it all, I was actually reluctant to leave because time simply passed too
quickly :'( SOBS I was only starting to enjoy myself, the fun was just starting, but
the camp was ending! Regardless, I left the camp a very happy, and even
possibly, slightly changed person.
FTB 2011,
SMURFS10 Forever!!
(psst more
on romance in the next post heehee if I decide to share it ^^)
OOOHH here's a cute little penguin to end off the post!