Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Time for another post again! ^^

I didn't actually plan to blog today but I felt pretty inspired after visiting my friend's blog. I left her blog feeling both surprised and awed; I honestly had no idea that she had such an introspective side to her, not forgetting her poetic writing style but seriously, her online personality absolutely does not match her character in real life. Those who have never seen her blog would probably be under the impression that she's a very extroverted and happy-go-lucky girl who seems to act before she thinks (she sometimes acts quite carelessly). But that's practically the total opposite of what I'm seeing online! I'm still feeling shocked and yet at the same time, happy because I feel as if we've established a more intimate connection between us now that I know how she really thinks and feels.. :') Yay?

Back to myself, perhaps I can provide some updates about my life lately.. As usual, school and studying gobbles up the bulk of my time, sleep takes up about a quarter of the day and the rest is left for everything else such as my club activities (I joined a new club this year!), family time, some me-time and.. travelling on public transport haha. If you think about it, life has just become the same ol' routine repeating day in, day out. It's not boring but neither is it exciting. It's just, that. Perhaps it's because of how mundane and tiresome school days have turned into that I don't really get the urge to blog (since there's nothing much to talk about) or more fundementally, simply a change in myself (an idea I don't agree with) but either way, the stories, thoughts and words don't flow as readily to me now..

It's sad. Plain sad.

Life still goes on.