Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday, 7 June 2013

I really need to/want to/should feel obliged to blog soon. So much has been happening in my life so far- from the completion of year 2 in university to going on internships (2nd one now!). And then there's the incredible learning curve (getting to know about the legal sector, know more people and understand myself that bit better), the ongoing (stressful) applications for exchange, the crazily intense and deep reflections and also, the realisation that boy, I'm really growing up.


But the reason why I've been putting blogging matters off for a while is precisely because of the above events- I've been so busy that I can't really take time out for a proper blog post.. And I don't want blogging to become a task- or worse still, a chore because that will ultimately just translate into even greater stress and pressure for me.

I'm no kidding when I say that I'm busy. I wake up at 7am everyday for work, reach home around 7.40pm (optimistic estimate T_T) and after a shower and dinner, it's usually close to 9.30pm. By then, I'm probably so tired that all I want to do is to simply curl up on the couch and watch tv- if you're wondering why I don't go to sleep instead, it's because I'd rather have some personal enjoyment from watching shows than to waste it on sleeping (that would be a very sad working life)- and before you know it, presto! it's midnight! I'm tired. And the whole cycle repeats again the next day.

After 4 weeks of internship, I can't exactly say I hate work but really, working is extremely tiresome. It brings out all the escapist tendencies in one and makes one feel all crappy and lousy .

I'm currently still pondering over the significance of work in life and how a balance between the two can be struck well. It's no easy feat and I'm already feeling quite troubled due to it.. but at least, the fact that I'm thinking about it should reflect progress in one's self-development.

I hope. Haha.

Signing off for the night (or is it morning already ._.)!