Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, 31 May 2010

Move over Justin Bieber, it's time for.. *drumroll*


(haha another rare time that I'm recommending english songs)

"Paparazzi" cover by Chance

I was totally mesmerised by his surprisingly deep and manly voice and I'm sure you will be too!

Original composition "Broken Hearts" by Chance

Original Composition "Stars" by Chance

Friday, May 28, 2010


PiCtUrEsSsS (in random order)

me and samuel, the greatest chair ever

me, boIng and kengchee

me and yanyan

me and the cutest boy in RJGE - jiheng

me and mickey mouse peiying

me and celinee

me and bea (love ya~)

me and yinyun

me and joyy

piglet and winnie (we are too compatible!)

me and heidi

me and pavee

3/5 of pw group

me and the crouching tiger, hidden dragon - allon

me and domo - terrence

me and stanley

me and qiying (besties foreva!)

me and jingxian (thanks for everything!)

*暗笑* me and the fake zhang zhen huan - kewei

samuel the great

me and the trio - dawn, eleanor, valerie

me and roshni

oohh us again!

need caption meh? of cos is 2 美女

more pics of 美女

mickey mouse: argh! 被狗仔拍到了!

Friday, 27 May 2010

Yesterday was D-Day!! And I'm really very, very happy that everything worked out well after all, (even though my fingers hurt quite a bit now from the practices yesterday) and I'm sure everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!! RJGE rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o(^~^)o"

Thanks to all the friends (qiying, pavee, emelia, joy, weiling, huiwen, heidi(!), jingx, terrence, allon and stanley though the last 4 came mainly for others lol) who came to support me because I really do appreciate it! I love ya all lots!! Oh, and that includes everyone from 6T who wrote on the oh-so-surprising card qiqi made too! *MUACKS*

And to all the friends in guitar who made RJGE such a wonderful experience for me these 2 years, thank you all so much! *clears throat* 首先,我要感谢我最要好的朋友们 beatrice, the-other-half-of-MADLEY shirleybong and celine aka. 色狼 for being the best section mates ever! I will never forget the times spent with you guys, slacking around, practising hard, suanning bong and laughing together and I hope so do you. And though I didn't have much chance to get to know her better, I would like to thank roshni too, without whom I could have never been able to cut my nails before concert XD 我也借这个机会感谢 peiying-the-mouse for being such a patient and adorable section leader, never hesitating to teach me how to play(and making fun of my inflexible fingers =/). It is really because of your wonderful teaching that I've progressed so much since our JE days, and I hope I haven't let you down in the concert though I did smoke my way through Danza Espanola 3. Heehee =D all forgiven right? 还有还有, not forgetting our lovely JP1s haolin, belinda and tay guan. Ehm, never talked to you guys much, but I still like you all, though on varying degrees =P 最后, 只想跟 RJGE 里的大家说声谢谢 because you've helped made cca life for me better in one way or another! (psst, particularly the hilarious yankit bromance! Ah kit should treat Ah yan better! Heh XD)

But words alone are not enough to describe how wonderful and un-frog-ettable yesterday was, so time for pictures!!

me and shirleyboIng

I will upload the rest of the pictures in the next post! =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, 23 May 2010


有一天,女孩看到了 "through the looking glass" 这几个字后
















不过知道过后 也只能硬着头皮笑给大家看

因为是自己太天真 太傻了...



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Haven't had time to blog much lately, with lecture tests, guitar concert and all, but I will try to make time for it if I can (probably once a week?)!

Anyway, time for some songs!

"Special" by B2St

"Love Song" by Rain

I usually detest singers who take their shirts off while singing, but Rain does it so stylistically that I can't help but look XD haha, and he's oozing so much charisma that I can faint *faints*

"Binguel Binguel" by UKISS

If you like what you hear/see, you can look out for them this coming June cos they're coming~ but my personal fav is Kevin (0:40) or Dongho (2:58) but the latter is too young for us. HAHA XD

PS: If you want to hear trashy music with pretty girls bouncing around the screen, you can check out "Run Devil Run" by SNSD, "Magic" by Secret or "Nu Abo" by f(x)..

And for once, I'm recommending an English song!

"Welcome To Mystery" by Plain White Tees

Do check out the lyrics because they are really meaningful!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday, 15 May 2010

(this is a seriously backdated entry, sorriee people)

It's been a real tiring day today, but I feel I should cover the 3 concerts I've been to this year (considering the exorbitant prices!) held by Chinese Orchestra, the various dance clubs and Harmonica, with the most expensive one being Dance Nite obviously..zZz..

Frankly, after watching the concert, I have seriously no idea why dance concert tickets are so highly sought-after, because if it weren't for friends performing, I would never ever spend $18 dollars to watch it.. All the dance items were of really high standards and everything, but.. the show wasn't spectacular? Or particularly breathtaking.. It was good, but just.. not awesome enough. In fact, I felt rather emotionless while watching the concert (apart from the tear-jerking, moving, beautiful Chinese Dance items) which is plain weird because I usually get really excited when I watch dance performances. Maybe I expected too much from the concert, but those expectations were certainly justified, if not, raised even further by the insane hype surrounding the concert so I can't help feeling disappointed. Also, all the talk about tickets being sold for crazy prices on the notorious black market only piqued my interest further, so I (kinda rashly) made the decision to go, only to end up feeling sore over losing my money. XD haha, only myself to blame right?

OH and speaking of the concert, it was a superr overdressed event! I sort of expected it cos of past experiences but dance concert really blew me away. haha this was my expression when I saw a girl in this black floor-length dress in the toilet - O.o (I mean, dude! this is just a school concert! Not prom..) And it was the same everywhere. The skirts only got shorter and the heels higher XD Thinking about it, it kinda felt like a fashion show, with the limelight not on the dancers but on the people strutting their stuff offstage. Anw if you're wondering what I wore, I just wore a striped jacket over a humble little tshirt and paired it with a matching skirt and sneakers. (and this was after I made an effort to dress up, but apparently it wasn't enough to compare with the smokin-hot cleavage-baring black mini that my friend wore, heh)

As for CO concert, it was really cool because everyone seemed so professional, especially the concert master and the solo guzhen player, so I really enjoyed it =) haha actually I went only to support a friend, huiwen (though I couldn't see her throughout the concert, save for one item) but I'm glad I went cos it was really an eye-opener for me.

Lastly, I went for the Harmoc concert to support 2 friends (lawl and qiqi), and whilst it wasn't as good as CO due to the limited sounds a harmoc can create, it was still a pleasant experience overall. Haha unfrog-grettable!! ^~^

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Time really waits for no one..

Before we know it, 4 days have already passed.. but these 4 days didn't seem to have helped anyone much.. From what momo said, kimkim, xiaoyi, edmil, edwin and even yanling cried like the world was ending today and my heart really aches for them.. *sniffs* Somehow, their loss seem to affect me so much to the extent that sometimes, I'm not even sure if I'm crying over gonggong, or over them..

Anyway, I saw gonggong for the last time on Sunday and had a rude shock because I wasn't mentally prepared for what I was going to see.. The person lying there wasn't the smiley 公公 with his trademark sunshine smile that I knew, but someone else I couldn't recognise.. And that was a really painful experience cos I had expected him to have a peaceful, happy expression (like the angelic, calm face people usually describe in books and all that).. Now I know what a big, fat lie that is..

Now, we won't get to eat his yummy chilli maggie mee, hear his voice over the phone, or see him sitting happily by the door on his usual stool, waving to us and flashing his toothy grin anymore..

Now, we won't ever get to see his crinkly smiley face, waving away his birthday gifts bashfully or have him engaging in banter with us anymore..

Perhaps the upside is that at least we got to celebrate CNY and his birthday with him this year.. but there remains simply too much to be said and to be done..


Warm fingertips rest gently on cold glass
Tracing the silhouette of the actor that once graced the stage
His presence is much yearned for
But the lights have dimmed
The curtains drawn
And him unhearing, unseeing, unfeeling

The black curtains are unmoving
Despite desperate cries for encores
And so we know the show has ended
Really ended

The audience have also cleared out one by one
Leaving behind an empty stage
Empty seats
Empty hearts
With only the movie still rolling silently in black and white
For anyone to come back and reminisce
The good times and the bad

The show may have been muted
But I hear so much
A theatre celebrating the life that has been lived
A theatre mourning the inevitable finale
The silent noise
Speaking volumes about the love this actor has received

The show may have ended
But he will be etched in their memories forever

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday, 7 May 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, 5 May 2010






想想 我送你的“健康猫”


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, 2 May 2010

抱着的希望越多 失望就越大.. 

期望得越多 摔下来的时候也就更痛..


好不公平 好残忍哦



不过 哭过了 累过了


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday, 1 May 2010

I'm a happie little girl todayy! Something I've been looking foward to for quite some time happened today, and though it wasn't what I'd entirely hoped for, I was really pleased nonetheless. Haha in hindsight I should have done better than today (but it was mostly cos I was nervous ><) with my monotonous tone and all but still, YAYY (Y) But I know I shouldn't be distracted at this crucial point in time, with 2 A-Lvl SPAs occurring over the next 2 weeks, so I will definitely focusfocusfocusfocus and er, leave these stuff for later.

大家一起加油吧!! (油价应该没那么贵了所以尽量加吧!)

So I will really, really study hard and do my best in everything and that includes the SPAs, guitar concert and school work! (haha this burst of enthusiasm is because I feel so inspired after watching CO concert yesterday.. they put up a seriously awesome performance and I am aiming to reach their standards too!) And to those who are giving me support, like Arwie and J (I hope you know who you are ^^), I'm really thankful for everything you've done for me. Thank you so much cos it means a lot to me :)

Let's all work hard together!!