Friday, May 28, 2010


PiCtUrEsSsS (in random order)

me and samuel, the greatest chair ever

me, boIng and kengchee

me and yanyan

me and the cutest boy in RJGE - jiheng

me and mickey mouse peiying

me and celinee

me and bea (love ya~)

me and yinyun

me and joyy

piglet and winnie (we are too compatible!)

me and heidi

me and pavee

3/5 of pw group

me and the crouching tiger, hidden dragon - allon

me and domo - terrence

me and stanley

me and qiying (besties foreva!)

me and jingxian (thanks for everything!)

*暗笑* me and the fake zhang zhen huan - kewei

samuel the great

me and the trio - dawn, eleanor, valerie

me and roshni

oohh us again!

need caption meh? of cos is 2 美女

more pics of 美女

mickey mouse: argh! 被狗仔拍到了!