Anyway, time for some songs!
"Special" by B2St
"Love Song" by Rain
I usually detest singers who take their shirts off while singing, but Rain does it so stylistically that I can't help but look XD haha, and he's oozing so much charisma that I can faint *faints*
"Binguel Binguel" by UKISS
If you like what you hear/see, you can look out for them this coming June cos they're coming~ but my personal fav is Kevin (0:40) or Dongho (2:58) but the latter is too young for us. HAHA XD
PS: If you want to hear trashy music with pretty girls bouncing around the screen, you can check out "Run Devil Run" by SNSD, "Magic" by Secret or "Nu Abo" by f(x)..
And for once, I'm recommending an English song!
"Welcome To Mystery" by Plain White Tees
Do check out the lyrics because they are really meaningful!