Haha I can't believe it's been close to a month since I last blogged, considering how I used to blog at least once a week in the past. It's kinda sad actually :( because I do like to blog about all the fun and happy things in life, such as my hongkong trip (or rather, hk exercise regime), our underwater world outing or simply, just an evening out with friends. It feels good to put all these experiences, memories into pictures and words because it helps us to remember, and not forget about all the important things in life. Yupp, so I will definitely try to work out a day-by-day blog entry for my hongkong trip whenever I'm free- I'm sure it will make for good reading too :)
Anyway, the reason for my long absence is obviously because of my job which, more often than not, leaves me mentally exhausted by the time I get home. You might think it's weird since I usually knock off around 3-4pm, which is considered early in comparism to office jobs, but I guess teachers have it tougher, intern or not.. Frankly, I used to sleep even lesser in JC and yet still managed to cope, but somehow I tire easily nowadays. Maybe it's time to finally hit the gym, and get my metabolic rate up again XD
Speaking of school, I have both pleasant and unhappy experiences to share- which is why I'm currently in a dilemma- to be or not to be a relief teacher after this internship ends.. On good days when the students I meet are good, I go- "yes! this is why I want to be a teacher!". However, on bad days when the students are rude, defiant, disobedient and lazy (nua until like tofu, and the list goes on), I go- "oh my gosh. this is definitely not my thing. at least, not for now. I don't want to be a teacher just to get pissed off everyday". So basically, I don't know what to do after the internship because I'm so confused :O Undoubtedly, a change in school environment might help.. but I'm sorta attached to Yuhua now since I see these kids everyday.. haha I need to sort all these thoughts out soon and decide on my next course of action! And of course *rubs hands in glee* my next pay check! and OOoOHH, I will be getting my first paycheck ever tomorrow!!!! (note to self: hehe, go update bankbook tomorrow!!) ^~^ The feeling of getting one's pay is.. just so exhilarating!! *kaching!*
Before you mistake me for a see-money-eyes-open-big-bigg person XD I have to clarify that the reason for which I am so excited is purely because I can now contribute to the family income. Of course my contribution will not be that significant- how much can I do with half a month's pay after all- but at least I can start by paying my own phone bills, and perhaps chip in occasionally for the utilities bills. I'm a very filial kid, okayy ^^
Anyway, my lesson is going to start in 4 minutes time, so I'm gonna prepare naoo.
Hope to see you here soon again!! *waves*