Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday, 17 December 2010

Happie Birthday Kim Kim :D Love ya always~

Anw, today's Music Bank special was so AWESOME, I'm speechless haha

Leeteuk was so handsome today that all I can say (or suppress myself from shouting out) is....

MARRY ME PLEASE!! :D hahaha really!

Ft Island was equally great too, with Hongki delivering a very refreshing and touching version of "Love Love Love". So enjoy!

The next 2 days are gonna be real busy for me, cos I have to pack my luggage, settle some internship stuff and write essays for scholarship applications (which I dread ._.) so shall seeya when I come back from my holiday! Don't miss me too much!!

HOHOHO~ Wishing everybody a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday, 11 December 2010

"我记得我爱过" by 何润东(台剧泡沫之夏)

哈哈 蛮好听的一首歌,因为歌手真的把男主角们那种揪心的痛唱出来了

不过我不太喜欢这部戏的剧情,因为不但不真实,而且还拖拖拉拉的 -.- 

有看头的也只有黄晓明而已 :D

哦 对了,要告诉你们,我即将要当老师了!! ㄱㄱ ^~^

哈哈 好开心过了interview那关,不过现在也有点担心我将会教的班会有什么样的学生呢?


Alright, let's revert back to english cos I'm tired of typing in chinese.. Hmm this week was pretty hectic because of prom, sleepover and all, and I'm quite worn out because of everything so I'm really looking foward to next week and the upcoming holiday trip! Prom was fun, and yet also unfun because of a variety of reasons, like the fact that I didn't win the itouch, xbox or ipad X) or the disappointing food, but still, it was quite a cool experience overall. Mingling with friends, seeing people make a fool out of themselves on stage so as to entertain (us), checking out all the fashion misses-and-hits (haha but alas, I still haven't secured a picture of the bride yet). It was fun, haha sort of, but grad nite was definitely not "boring" as I overheard in many conversations. Tsk, so much effort went into preparing for grad nite, and the best you can do is to dismiss it as boring?!

A main grouse of mine though is that I didn't take enough pictures :( I wanted to take pictures with all my OG mates and ex-classmates and maybe just about everyone I know (see how enthu I am haha), but cos I wasn't wearing my glasses, (for maybe 85% of the time) I couldn't see them (to facilitate my grabbing of them to take a photo) even if I walked past them. Haha okay my sight isn't that bad.. I can see people, but only those standing closer to me, so my pictures are simply limited to those I bump into in the cocktail area. Which is not a lot haha X)

I should have just worn my glasses right *sniffsniffs* anyway, time to share some pretty prom pictures (alliteration at work!)

"we have to grow old, but we don't have to grow up :)"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Grad Nite' 2010

shiny stars, dazzled crowd
follow the shadows, find my heart

bright spotlights, no place to hide
retreating shadows, all crumpled

black wrapping on red carpet,
I see your hand reaching out
for mine,
just one touch but
if only the moment would last

all that is left are static memories
with the most important yet to be
remaining as an unspoken message
that hangs limply in the air

maybe it's time to say goodbye now
and cast off those worries
end the waiting
and stop the pain

not forget
you and I

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, 5 December 2010


haha back from a very fun trip from the airport with lots of wonderful memories :)

I went out with the 2 members of BEM (haha yes, I'm referring to US!) earlier in the day but sadly we forgot to take photos so I have none to share..

Let's start off with the christmas decorations at T3@Changi Airport before we move on to the main *stars* of the night :D

decorations in the departure hall.. haha shall post the close-ups
pictures when I go there again in a couple of weeks heehee

hmm some weird ball game that people were crowding around

a pretty little restaurant

^~^ the cutest 2 girls ever

the jiejie focuses on being pretty, while the meimei acts cute

top singapore model! X) *guffaws*

ehh, top international model then :D

Hmm the following pictures are from friday~

this was taken after I straightened my hair! (pretty hoh XD)
the girl with the even straighter hair next to me is my lil' cousie
who seems to be very fond of pulling my hair and bullying me :(

this was taken outside Takashimaya (along Orchard Rd)
which currently boasts a superb night-streetscape with shiny blue and
purple christmas trees adorning the roads and cute bears hanging on the
streetlamps. lala but who can be cuter than this trio of girls! ^~^

moiiiii and moiiiii bears :)
One more day to gradnite *squeals* and the moe interview.. Hope I do well at both!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


(haha you get my point)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Back-Dated Post 4 (24 November 2010)

Hmm back from a geog "mugging" session with bea and the RJ cat -.- (which leapt onto my bag in the end despite my totally non-violent protests) HAHA It was really cute frankly, but I just don't like the idea of a cat (that was rolling around on the floor) walking on my bag.. you know how much I value cleanliness haha :D

Uber-cool picture from some National Geographic Channel Competition

Time to studyyy now~

Friday, November 19, 2010

Back-Dated Post 3 (19 November 2010)


Haha that was how I felt just now, but I don't feel like elaborating on it anymore.

In fact, I don't feel like typing anything at all because of a sudden feeling of emptiness.

Let's just fill up the void in our lives with music yea. And forget all about the disgusting exams that suck the life out of us like dementors. Darn them. If only I could summon my patronus.. which I'm sure will come in the form of a.. er- monkey? eagle? Most likely the latter..

Oh, speaking of which, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 opened in theatres yesterday!!!!! WOWZERS! But I can't watch it now, because I have to- what else, study.. [-.-] So the next best thing I can do is to watch it right after my exams with my sister, in about say, 2 weeks? I am SO looking foward to the end of all this studying man. So, so looking foward to freedom..

Oooh, and the next time I'm back, I shall share with you my latest idea -- The MoMO Cafe ^^!! Byeee~

"Empty" by JYJ (empty, so cold, you and I..)

"Midnight Sun" by F.Cuz

Friday, November 12, 2010

Back-Dated Post 2 (12 November 2010)

Hiiii peeps! *waves enthusiastically*

It's time for another back-dated post ^~^ haha so far, 5 papers down (inc. 1 geog, 1 chem, 2 gp and 2 math papers) and I have 4 days till the next 2 papers so I'm going to make the most out of every minute and study!!! Haha frankly, it's hard to believe that one week of Alevels has already passed.. and that there are 3 more (hopefully, not painful) weeks to go. Time is simply passing too quickly, in a good and bad way haha.

I feel that the exams started off on the wrong foot with Physical Geography, but I really hope I can still get my A if I work ULTRA hard for Human Geography. Pwetty pleaseeee? *bwinks bwinks my cute little eyes* hehe :D The following 3 papers weren't too good either, if not even awful, in particular Chemistry paper 3, which was a real puzzler. The feeling I got from the paper while I was doing it was as if I had never studied chemistry before in my entire life (cos I was too baffled at the qns) which is darn ridiculous la. I studied so hard for chemistry for the past 1 and half years and what did it amount to on Tuesday? Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!

Thinking back, I don't really see the significance of practicing all those past year paper 3s, because not only didn't they help a single bit (not even a teeny weeny bit mann), they even lulled me into a state of complacency.. For those who know, the past year paper 3s were all very guided, with a ton of marks to pick up all over the place, and the questions were quite clear-cut, testing our understanding of the core topics. But the paper this Tuesday was a major "huH?" kind of paper; I don't think they tested much, except our tolerance for its strangeness? ZZZzzZ

Then the next 2 papers were GP essay and comprehension. The latter was fairly manageable, but I just had to mess up my AQ at this crucial exam right, didn't I? As for the essay component, it wasn't that bad but I'm not confident of getting an A overall because the question I did was an impromptu choice. I'm still flabbergasted at the fact that there were no questions about globalisation, war, governance, gender, media, science or even terrorism (hello people-over-there, don't you know just how pertinent the terrorism threat is in the world now?) which were what I prepared for (they are pretty much what we learnt in school anw). Lol, I thought GP was about testing our knowledge about current global issues, which is why we have to read Newsweek or Times religiously right? Now I know better.. How global is "the person who dies rich dies disgraced" or how important is "can mathematics be seen as anything more than a useful tool in everyday life?"? We didn't even cover the topic of mathematics before in class if I'm not wrong.. HAHA but life's like that yea.

I think the Alevels really forces a lot of people to grow up amidst all the stress and everything.. and if you can't handle it, it will make or break a person, which is saddening.. I understand because I've been through it, and sometimes, self-encouragement doesn't help much. It makes one feel better for a while, just that while, but after that you're back to square one again X) haha and I'm not the type who will run crying to friends (same as Danson!) so all I can say is.. Life is tough! (and I'm saying that when we are not even in the workforce yet!) I think working people would rather work than study though hAhA.

Anyway, time to end off this lengthy post! Let's hope that my next post will be a more positive one! WHEEEE love ya all ~

Song Of The Day: You Wouldn't Pick Up My Call by 2AM

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back-Dated Post 1 (24 October 2010)

I think back-dated entries are gonna be fun, so I shall start with one todayy ^^ haha

I'm not posting the direct youtube links because I don't think this is everyone's kind of thing.. haha don't say you weren't warned! The first two videos are fine, but if you are straight as an arrow and cannot accept any sort of deviance from social norms, don't click on the third link! Oh- I forgot to say what the videos are about *guffaws* haha they're actually "photospreads" people made of some really good looking girls :D

By the way, don't misunderstand and think that I'm some wierdo with a strange fetish X) I only chanced upon these videos when I was searching for some other totally non-related stuff so.. yea :D enjoy~ (haha is that the right word to use mann)

Anyway, it's the 24th October 2010 today, and exams are officially 14 days away.

So.. why am I still on the computer??

Haha because I feel unwell, so I decided to give myself a teeny weeny break :)

Lalala time to go study noww~

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, 11 September 2010





所以暂时恐怕不会有时间来更新我的博客(所以请不要太想我哦 ^^) 



不过说出这些心声真的对我很重要 (还有我可能会提到您的大名哦!)

哈哈哈 我现在的心情真的是好的不得了

因为我终于想通了很多事.. 友情,爱情,学业.. 真的都想透了





当时她说:“很高兴认识你... 你和中学时候的你一点也没变,而那是一件好事呢..."

















(哈哈 不做朋友就不做嘛 才不稀罕~)


要在受伤前,赶快保护好自己.. 即使受伤了,也不能放弃世界!

因为我们好人一定会战胜坏人的!(手叉在腰上,大喊:动感超人 哈哈哈哈哈!)

我觉得在学校最快乐的日子,莫过于在 吉他社 还有 写东西社(哈哈 不知道华文名是什么)





虽然他现在是个若无若有的“哥哥” 不过还是要谢谢他一直以来的照顾 



还有还有,吉他社真是... 没话说啊

哈哈 不只让我学会弹吉他(虽然依旧弹得很烂 *沮丧*)还让我变得更坚强

所以那些为了自己努力的事情 而掉的泪都是值得的(我熬过来了嘛!)


哦 还有..


让我第一次有了心跳加速,害羞却带有甜蜜蜜的感觉(哈哈 我在拍偶像剧)


不过我已经决定了!! 这样折磨自己是不值得的!!


其它的,等十二月再说!(不过小惠,其实我还蛮期待的呢 哈哈 这种心情好矛盾啊!!)






就已经足够了.. (一直被压,也不会让自己进步 对吧?)





如果未来的我感到迷惑,或遇到困难时,( 嗨自己!)












Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Wow, check this extremely gifted boy out! If I have a son next time, I'm so gonna make him learn the guitar from young, hehe, help his mommy fulfil her dream >(^~^)<"

By the way, one prelim paper down now!

With many more to goo! haha WOOHOOO *fake enthusiasm*

Anyway, today's GP paper was quite manageable but as usual -.- nothing I studied for Paper 1 came out.. which I find, is outrageously ridiculous because I really really read damn a lot for this exam.. This is seriously the first time I covered so many topics at a go for an exam, that I felt if you threw me into any random debate about say, censorship/free speech/gender/globalisation/style of governance/war/terrorism etc I would defintely pwn (still don't get why this is pronounced "own".. an O and a P looks pretty different to me..) everyone! But oh well, life's like that eh? As for paper 2.. well.. I hope I did fine? and that the summary and AQ part won't pull my grade down..

Haha, some things to improve on though :)

1. Finish essay on TIMEEE

2. Finish AQ for ONCEEE

3. Brush UPPP on vocabularly.. (beneficent means charitable/generous/doing good or basically beneficial..)

Let's end off the day with this beautiful piece "Misty Memories"..

(psst, this 2 week hiatus thingy isn't really working X) haha I will just pop in from time to time randomly)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, 27 August 2010

君がいた景色は ぬくもりとやすらぎ 彩り


流れ行く時間は 満ちて行く君への思いと





"Love Love Love" by Ft Island (my hubby's band if you still don't know ^^)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, 20 August 2010

Wish I could play like this..

*stares enviously*

Oh and bea, remember I was telling you about Lee Teuk (or lee tOOk to you lol) - the type of guy I would marry :) haha look out for him in the video below (open the video on Youtube itself so it's clearer). He is the one with orangey-brown hair, and who is super smiley throughout =D If you still can't spot him, he's the one at 2:27.

Anyway, I'm gonna take a possibly 2 week hiatus, so check back then :)

Take care peeps. Sleep tight at night. Dream of me ^^

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Just felt like sharing some photographs I took on my way home yesterday.. The experience was particularly meaningful :) because it was my first time taking a bus home from school ( Iusually take the train) and although the overhead bridge's long-ness and high-ness still terrifies me, along with the super lot of stops to my home, (I was mortified when I counted past 30 stops XD) it was quite fun overall.. At least I managed to get a seat for the entire 40 minutes journey. Even my pigwet and my bags got a seat too! ^^ The downside though, was that I was quite paranoid throughout about people secretly taking pictures of me and my bags occupying 2 seats then uploading them onto Stomp X) That paranoial is unjustified of course (I'm a very considerate person!) because I only placed my bags on the adjacent seat after noticing that there were quite a few empty seats in the bus. So technically, I wasn't depriving anyone of a resting spot, but you know.. some Singaporeans just have itchy fingers... *slaps their itchy fingers and ties them up*

Moving on to the photographs..

The first picture was taken on my way home, while the second one was taken outside my house, with the latter being my favourite. My hands were actually (very) occupied when I caught a glimpse of the sky, but I was so taken by the sight that I just, figuratively, dropped everything I was holding in order to take a picture of the sky. Maybe it isn't that awesome after all, but somehow, I felt like it meant something yesterday. It felt like.. the start of a new life.

See past the colours

Looming Above
One root: Many differences

Rising marshmallows

The Journey
As for the rest of the photographs (shot in negative), they're actually part of my new project to capture the sights of the world through a different lens so as to build a different perception of the world. Think something like Inception ^^
Hmm the following 2 photos were taken at Marina Bay Sands, and I personally think the idea of projecting the national flag on the underside of the Marina boat(?) is damn cooOl. COOL right!! The next photograph is even cooler though (cool until 破表!) because I'm sure that if I didn't tell you what it is + if the trees weren't there, you wouldn't be able to guess what it is. The architecture is simply breathtaking and fascinating, to the extent that I kept staring and couldn't look away.. The gravity-defying illusion that it produces is just, marvellous! superb! wonderful!

psst.. I'm actually looking up at the different hotel levels!

Aah lastly, what better way to end off the post than to post a picture of the cutest little girl in the world ^~^ (LOL who has the same panda eyes as the cap she's wearing, courtesy of Qiqi)

Oh and please do support my hubby's newest singles: FLOWER ROCK, BRAND NEW DAYS and TREASURE :P

"Flower Rock"

"Brand New Day"


Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, 13 August 2010


今天.. 心情超级不爽不爽不爽!







所以才会主动找他聊聊天,请他吃吃饼 (而且还是多啦A梦的哦!)








我已经很努力地在划我的船了.. 如果他想翻船的话,我也没辙.. :(



Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Sweet 18... photographic memories

Pre-birthday celebration with sec 4 frens

me and my cakiee (oops forgot to photoshop the flame onto the candle)

Pre-birthday celebration with JC frens

me and my sotong

(psst, I don't have the rest of the photos but you can find them on qiQi's Fb)

Post-birthday celebration with bEa n Em

Birthday celebration with Family

million dollar shot

Birthday celebration at KBOX@scape
