Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Sweet afternoon with you
if only you knew how much I like you

Over the past few days, I have been thinking a lot over what Arwie said about infatuations.. and I think that this time it isn't the case, or rather, at least I hope that it isn't.. because the feeling it gives me is simply magnificient.. I haven't felt this blissful feeling in quite a while, so naturally I don't want it to go away.

May my dreams become reality ^~^ (Y)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sunday, 25 April 2010

It's a really hazy day today.. *gasps for air*

The ash plume from Iceland must- *achoo* already be here!

*starts scrambling to get masks* XD

Haha anyway, I was just thinking about the fate of our dear little planet Earth while looking at the disgusting haze hanging lazily in the air.. and after learning about global warming AND global dimming in geography, I think I can safely say (and I seldom say this) that our Earth is screwed.

Just this week, the One Earth club in school was advocating environmental change by encouraging people to go vegetarian because the greenhouse emissions due to the rearing of cattle in Brazil and many other countries are high and hence contributes to global warming.. BUT the bad thing is that while many people are concerned about the ever-expanding hole in the ozone layer and trying desperately to cut down on pollution, few people are aware of global dimming which they are actually reducing!!

If you're not aware of what I'm talking about, global dimming is the reduction of solar radiation reaching the surface = less sunlight due to the presence of many dust/pollutant particles in the air which indirectly, help to reflect lots of sunlight back into space. And this is also precisely why temperatures aren't rising as quickly as they should due to global warming! Global dimming is helping to negate the temperature rise! However as can be seen from global efforts to cut down on emissions/air pollution (the very particles which are helping to cool the Earth), few even know the consequences of their actions! Yes, we might then have cleaner air and atmosphere, and prevent the ozone layer from deteriorating further, but at the same time, we are also allowing tons more of sunlight to reach Earth, heating us up even more!! Having said that though, I don't mean we should continue polluting the environment because while it may cool us down for the time being, the amount of sunlight received will also continue to decrease, until the dinosaurs decide to roam the earth once again.

Which is why I say Earth is screwed.

Stop global dimming, and we're baked.

Stop global warming, and we should be prepared to start living like Sid and frens.

so how?

haha I don't know too. XD

If I knew, I wouldn't be typing this right? but getting Nobel prizes or something.. haha we should start renting and picking tips up from Ice Age I/II noww.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Watched "Monga" yesterday with my sister and I have to say it's really deserving of the movie ratings many newspapers and magazines gave to it. Personally, I would rate it 4 stars **** (my sister says 5*****) because it's a seriously good movie with equally good actors (I have to disagree with 8Days for saying Ethan Ruan gave a callow/immature performance because his acting moved me the most)..

Some might just dismiss it as an idol action flick, what with Ethan Ruan and Mark Chao starring in it but all I can say to these people are: it's your own loss for not watching it, so just 回家吃自己吧 and stop being a wet blanket..

Anyway, it was a really touching film because of the friendship theme and how the 5 fingers of the fist turned against each other, out of love and for justice, only to end tragically in an ending that all five probably didn't want.. *sobs* they realised that they loved each other.. only that it was too late.. =( so naturally I just cried towards the ending, unlike a waterfall next to me which probably switched on early in the movie XD haha

Still, I felt pretty refreshed after the movie because apparently, the tears helped to relieve some pent-up emotions from school.. It's unbelievable that so much has happened over a course of 2 days, but I guess I need to take things slow from now and think things through more carefully.. I need to find out exactly what feelings I am experiencing, what I am pining for and what I hope to get out of it.. so I can stop emo-ing in school.. haha this is something I wrote while in school, and it perfectly sums up what I felt at that moment in time..

有个女孩 默默地

他什么时候 才会发现

他什么时候 才会知道


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Had a rather unsettling night yesterday because I had simply too much on my mind.. random weird characters were drifting in and out of my dream incessantly causing it to become disoriented, so naturally I didn't have enough baby sleep and couldn't wake up on time today :( argh too much work and too little time!! how can they even bear to subject such a cute little baby to such distress!! *whimpers* XD

Haha anyway tonight I finally got some stuff off my mind and it's literally a load off my mind cos now I feel deliriously happy and light-hearted ^^ I didn't expect it at all so I can only say I'm pleasantly surprised? Granted that there are certain risks involved, but I'm sure J's lips are sealed haha. Otherwise I will kidnap her, stuff her in a sack and throw her in the cupboard! *all the while avoiding her strikes* Hahahahaha but now I can almost officially say that the previous chapter has concluded and I'm on a whole new one page. It's a relief in some sense, and a cause for worry in another, but I'm glad that it's a brand new start again.

Oh and in case you're wondering (you know who you are, arwie ^^) , starstruck didn't abandon the star for another universe.. It was the star that was being drawn into another universe with a far stronger gravitational force than hers, so it was the star that lost its shine first.. starstruck couldn't do anything at all except watch the star inch bit by bit away and disappear into the milky way. (hee suddenly thought of the "best chocolatey taste, KOKO KRUNCH!") Haha sorry for the randomness ;) but anyway fate intervened.. and you know the rest of the story.. hahaha you still haven't sent me this story of the stars and ducks that we wrote! Quickquick send me before we start getting really busy studying! haha for keepsake value =)

And I shall leave you to interpret this intriguing sentence my GP teacher gave us today:

The weasel that the boy that startles the cat thinks loves smiles eats

Monday, April 19, 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

"Bad Girl"



"B2ST practicing their dance routine"

if you know how to dance too, come teach me!!! ^^

Since I managed to solve the problem of the videos already, I've decided to upload some other nice songs I've heard recently.. enjoy~

"Run" by Epik High

Look out for the guy with the frizzy maggie hair - Tablo! I simply love him for his rapping/singing and character.. I will share more about him another time!

"Loner" by CN Blue

since 미남이시네요 is going to be shown soon in S'pore, no harm sharing this song sung by Jeong Yong Hwa's band - CN Blue XD Quite a talented band in the KPop scene, (but still not as good as my husband's band of course) with non-mainstream songs (at least that's what I feel after listening to their songs)..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

Be Prepared To Be Shocked By B2ST!


Yo Seop

the only member I like in B2sT, (partly)
because he reminds me of G Dragon,
and largely because he looks extremely
good in blonde hair ^~^

Oh and speaking of that, I find it extremely interesting to note that most of the guys I am attracted to, all have had or are still sporting a blonde hairstyle (consistency is good right? ^^); cos it probably means that my future husband will look good with blonde hair too =) *cheers enthusiastically* and I personally think that is damn cool! So now I know what I actually look for in a guy first - blonde hair!!! XD

Anyway do check out their songs (don't just brush them off as just another idol boyband cos I think they are really talented, and have the potential to succeed Big Bang), particularly Bad Girl, Mystery (my personal fav cos I totally dig the dancee~) and Shock, and do be prepared to be blown away by them! Haha I was blown away long time ago!
P.S. Turn up the volume to enjoy the songs even better!!
I will upload the music videos as soon as I find out what's the problem with the links o(._.)o"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


I think I'm going crazy soon cos the Brazilian street dance tune has been stuck in my head for the past few hours.. and when it finally goes away, it only gets replaced by "The Way We Were" -.- *faints* this must be a side-effect of practicing too much guitar in the past few days and it's getting on my nerves cos the song keeps replaying itself = irritating!! However, that's not to say that my intensive practice wasn't good because I can actually feel my guitar-playing skills improving bit by bit *dances around happily* and that is so inspiring for myself because for once, I feel that my hard work is paying off.. haha trust me, looping the same few bars again and again is not fun cos sometimes I play until I get confused XD

HAHA today's guitar session was great though!! Because I can almost play the full piece of the Brazilian street dance tune now, (save for the ending chords) and that made me really happiee cos I think this is the most exciting, vibrant and lively rendition of a song the ensemble has done so far, and I'm happy to have been part of it.

Sometimes it's hard to keep the faith, but it is precisely because of days like today that motivate me to not give up and work even harder =P And for the same reason, I'm looking foward to Writers' Guild tomorrow!

All along, I've been dismissing the sessions as being boring and unfun, but after last week's session, I realised that it's not true! The juniors are starting to warm up to how the sessions are run, and participating more actively so last week's session was actually interesting to me cos I learned quite a lot from the discussion. (which is rare cos it's rather difficult to get an un-enthu person like me to get in the mood haha!!) So I've decided to take back most of the things I've said before about how dreary the sessions are because I've realised that it's no use to just complain and not make changes. WE ARE THE CHANGE. and if I have to, I will try and be the change.. It's a little late to understand this only now (but this kind of enlightenment takes time one!), considering that we're handing over in a month, but it's better to be late than never =D

So now I'm going to do my best for the guild by revamping our (just realised it existed) noticeboard (cos my senior lamented about the dilapidated state it was in) and by working on a sample copy of the new magazine I'm hoping will replace Orange. I'm hoping to fill a bit more of the bigg shoes my senior left behind ^^ so till then!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Monday, 12 April 2010

She waited all night

in the cold shadows

yet the screen never lit up

nor did the beep ever come

-worthless promises

Every passing second seemed to

drain the hope out of her

consuming the belief she was so

desperately clinging on to

longing, believing

yet forgotten

-your work. but my shreds of sanity

She realised at last

you toyed with her feelings

ensnared her with those blissful lies

now that the fun is gone

you've cast her out cold

-painful joyride, bittersweet memories

You didn't look back once

or even spared a withering glance

for your masterpiece

then maybe you would have seen

those glistening cheeks

those hopeful eyes

then maybe you might have saved her

from falling over the edge

then maybe you might have redeemed yourself

as well from damnation

-you gave me a lifetime of regrets

Twisted, deceived, mangled

She can trust no one no more

-shining silver birds can't be seen in this shadowed world

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, 9 April 2010

Finally got all my papers back, save GP.. but I think it's not going to make things any better cos I know myself that I messed that up too.. Time to mug GP big timee!

Moving on.. Yesterday was dearest minnie's birthday and the ideal birthday present that I was planning to give her (that was before my exams took place) was good, even fantastic grades, but.. *stares sadly at aftermath* that's not really possible now. "o(><)o" Haha, funnily, my grades sound like some kindergarden school song~

I really do want to improve, but no amount of studying seems to help my Physics results which is floundering like a dead fish at the bottom of a dry well.. but I will still study hard cos I don't want to let my years of studies go to waste, never..

That was at 11.45am, but as of 11.26pm now, my Physics results has improved by one grade (YAYY), to a more acceptable one. Actually my real grade is supposed to be a B (61marks!!) cos I lost marks due to stupid things like missing workings/error in workings though I had the correct answers; so frankly, I'm satisfied with myself. A 'B' is like a great improvement from last year already. Heehee, the fish has come back to life.

anyway, cute MINNIE MOUSE, happieee birthdayy!! I love you!!

And to my primary school friends, tessa and cheryl, happie birthday too =) I still do think of you guys, and I hope you do too..

OHH and today I met a senior whom I haven't seen (but missed) or contacted for many, many months cos all these while, he had been stuck in army camp with a wonky phone that hated me (and I message until I pek-cheh already). It was a really brief encounter but it brought back so many memories that for the next few hours, I was stuck in this melancholic mood, thinking about everything that had happened over the last year and the conflicting feelings I experienced.

He used to say I was like a iron China doll or something like that, but unfortunately I'm not as strong as I made myself out to be because I became too reliant on him. So when he was gone, I felt slightly helpless and lonely for a period of time; the feeling is just like losing a brother/cousin whom one has grown to depend on, so naturally I lost my direction. But I'm glad that the feeling is wearing away gradually..

It's a good lesson nonetheless. A good reminder for me to not get too close to just anybody again..

Human relationships. fragile. unable to withstand the test of time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, 6 April 2010




sighh I'm sick now and hating it cos my nose is running away and my body aches all over =( I'm also feeling perpetually tired both in school and at home, so obviously I haven't done much work.. Just this afternoon, I was taking a nap because I was simply too drowsy, but I woke up feeling none the better, maybe even worse (><) cos I felt like a few-days-old banana, lifeless and floppy.

mokie and banana

Also, cos I didn't feel well, I missed monday's guitar session and I feel like I'm lagging behind everyone else in the club now.. I still can't play the full "the way we were" yet, so I have no idea how I am going to master the Brazilian street dance tune anytime soon. This is all so stressful =(

Teachers have also been reminding us, time and again on how close the A Levels are, and I am really feeling the pressure. I need to buck up soon!!! *coughcough* but how to, when I'm operating at only 50% efficiency?? boohoohoo

Life is difficult
2 more papers to go~

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, 5 April 2010

Yesterday, me and my sister encountered a rather funny and yet at the same time, bewildering experience when we walked down Orchard Road. We were actually talent-spotted!! *fireworks start exploding in the sky* That was pretty exciting initially, but of all the talent scouts in the world, we actually had to be talent spotted by a particular Steven Lim. =.= *all the fireworks disappear in a POoF*

At first, when he mentioned he was Steven Lim, a quick search through my memory bank turned up nothing.. maybe just a sketchy distant memory of a Singapore Idol wannabe prancing around in yellow boxers or something (am I right?) but my brain was in full denial of that because I couldn't believe that such a guy could own a modelling agency.. but.. no surprises.. it was him in the flesh (eww). And apparently he's still the same guy as before, still a 自恋狂, with an ego so outrageously big it could squash everybody on Earth. Maybe he thought he was or rather, IS famous, but dear stevie, you're not.. Here are a few tips for amateur talent scouts out there:

do not be caught up in your own self-delusion that you're a famous guy whom the world must know because you may not be, just like how dear SL did. Here's what went on during our encounter: (approx. sic)
SL: You know who I am right? You must have seen me on TV before right?
Me and sis: Err, no we haven't.
SL: *astonished look* You haven't? You must have seen me on Ch 5, Okto blablabla (lists every tv show he has been on)!
Me and sis: Err, still no.
SL: *seriously shocked look* 你们没有看电视的啊?!
Me and sis: Err, we do, but we haven't seen you before.
And I was quite insulted by his comment cos I mean seriously, dude, just because we haven't seen you on TV doesn't mean we don't watch tv. We don't really like to watch english dramas (so we don't know what goes on on Ch5 or Okto; but I like to watch Pokemon and Power Rangers on Okto tho), and your roles were probably some 无名小卒 whom we wouldn't notice, so unless you appear on Power Rangers as some monster (I don't think you can be a ranger), I wouldn't know who in the world you are.

because this world is filled with scammers of all kinds waiting to cheat people of feelings (mock sobs, I can't be a model after all... boohoo XD) or precious money; so it's natural that I'm wary of strangers who approach us. Hence, to add credibility to yourself, you should introduce your company/agency upfront, and if better, offer a namecard, and not try and get people to rack their memories for a SL. Tsktsk.
SL: Hello, 两位小姐, are you interested in being a freelance model? Because I'm looking for models blablabla.. some 拍马屁-ing like 你觉得你姐姐漂亮吗? 漂亮所以应该当模特儿! (what if I said she wasn't pretty eh.. what would he say??) and 给我两分钟 (which he repeated countless of times after we declined his offer).
So being nice, we gave him our precious 120 seconds but I'm sure he took more than that ><>

because it's tough on our ears to actually catch everything he was saying.. really like 机关枪 shooting 10000 rounds/min. So I just listened to snippets of his speech (but I wasn't interested anyway so didn't matter that much).. but if it were somebody who was really interested in modelling, I think she would have missed out on a lot of vital points in his speech so sloooowwwww doooowwwnnnn *whale speech* Moreover, it's quite impossible to convince people to join your team and part with $100 right?
SL: Can you afford $100 now?
Me: Err, why? o.o
I thought he was checking on our financial situation to determine whether we needed the modelling job, but it turned out not to be so..

because it just casts a negative light around your initially untainted character. I was curious about the laminated article SL (didn't realise who he was at that time, so I was being genuinely sincere) was waving about so I requested to look at it. And what were the first words which jumped out at me? "world's 'handsomest' man'", "some girl undressed during a webcam conversation with him, and flashed something at him" etc. If you're a relatively normal person, you can obviously tell that this article is going to do nothing good for your own publicity, except remind people of your *maybe-you-think-is-glorious" past..so I asked him point-blank:
Me: Are you SL from Singapore Idol a couple of years back?
SL: Yes *can't remember if he was happy or anything* I was on Singapore Idol for was-it-13-or-14 episodes!
Me: OHHH *memories of yellow spandex suit comes flooding back*

this was the one that pissed me off the most cos he tried to act like me and imitate the way I was talking, which was downright childish and unprofessional. major TSKTSK. he did it because I was talking like this, "err, yes/no. err *raised eyebrows* blablabla.. *apprehensive look* blablabla" and he most probably found my "err"s annoying which prompted his childish actions but stilllll- I only speak this way when I'm hesistant or feeling like O_O and it was the latter I felt during our encounter. Because you see, me and my sister were on our way to a fragrant bakery with steaming, yummy bread so he was delaying us from laying our hands on some delicious puffs! Initially, I was accomodating, but when we made it clear we were not interested and he just had to finish his 120s speech, I was irritated so I broke eye contact, stared into the far distance while answering him briefly, trying to give a SUBTLE hint that we GTG now. However, being the egoistic man he is, he failed to pick up the hint and misunderstood my behavior for something else. =/ *ROARS*
SL: 你们很少跟人说话是吗?
Me: Err, no. Just that we don't get approached by strangers often.
SL: 难道你们没有遇过人跟你们问路? (can't remember if he said it in chinese/english..) then are you like this? *goes on to imitate me* so you will say err.. *raises eyebrows* it's this way.. *leans backwards onto heels* err.. blablabla"
Me: Err, no. *quite angry and baffled by his behavior so didn't bother to retort*

And the funniest was at the end. Rhetorical Question In Play.
SL: (in chinese) Do you believe that I have 1500 models under me?
Me: ...
SL: (in chinese) You must believe me because I really have 1500 models under me!
Me: ... ( I wanted to say no, but that would have wasted more time, and our bready were waiting for us)


just a 5-10 minutes experience, and it's been a funny day already.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday, 3 April 2010

My long weekend is almost coming to an end.. SIGH.. cos I didn't manage to do much work after all despite my grand revision plan (><) except lots of math. Gee.. I must really start balancing the time I allocate to each subject and revise sooon!! but I will though, once I get my container(?) box(?) for arranging my worksheets and notes.. lalala~

Anyway, on a happier note, on a particular morning on the 22nd of March, a little life in the form of baby Kaelyn was introduced into the world!! And I'm going to try my best to be the nicest aunt kai-lin (my nickname for her) ever has!!


Actually I typed much more than what is seen here.. but due to some toopid technical error that keeps occurring in blogspot, I'm not going to type everything again. It's frustrating enough to type it twice, much less thrice -.- ZZZZ I simply don't understand why it is so difficult to upload pictures and align them properly without affecting my post. It's supposed to be the internet age nowadays, (for goodness sake!) and blogspot can't even seem to solve this small problem? =\

but anyways..

Time for some pictures~ (tsktsk, the pictures stayed, whereas my post disappeared)


Master Of Study

[with 승호]

Lee Min Gi

[from Dalja's Spring (interesting and sweet show about 姐弟恋 XD]

and not to forget.. it's about time for my husband to make his appearance!!


*pink and white flower petals start falling from the sky*

It's none other than 홍기 dearest

~the handsomest and also, prettiest guy in the galaxy~
