Be Prepared To Be Shocked By B2ST!

the only member I like in B2sT, (partly)
because he reminds me of G Dragon,
and largely because he looks extremely
good in blonde hair ^~^
Oh and speaking of that, I find it extremely interesting to note that most of the guys I am attracted to, all have had or are still sporting a blonde hairstyle (consistency is good right? ^^); cos it probably means that my future husband will look good with blonde hair too =) *cheers enthusiastically* and I personally think that is damn cool! So now I know what I actually look for in a guy first - blonde hair!!! XD
Anyway do check out their songs (don't just brush them off as just another idol boyband cos I think they are really talented, and have the potential to succeed Big Bang), particularly Bad Girl, Mystery (my personal fav cos I totally dig the dancee~) and Shock, and do be prepared to be blown away by them! Haha I was blown away long time ago!
P.S. Turn up the volume to enjoy the songs even better!!
I will upload the music videos as soon as I find out what's the problem with the links o(._.)o"