Watched "Monga" yesterday with my sister and I have to say it's really deserving of the movie ratings many newspapers and magazines gave to it. Personally, I would rate it 4 stars **** (my sister says 5*****) because it's a seriously good movie with equally good actors (I have to disagree with 8Days for saying Ethan Ruan gave a callow/immature performance because his acting moved me the most)..
Some might just dismiss it as an idol action flick, what with Ethan Ruan and Mark Chao starring in it but all I can say to these people are: it's your own loss for not watching it, so just 回家吃自己吧 and stop being a wet blanket..
Anyway, it was a really touching film because of the friendship theme and how the 5 fingers of the fist turned against each other, out of love and for justice, only to end tragically in an ending that all five probably didn't want.. *sobs* they realised that they loved each other.. only that it was too late.. =( so naturally I just cried towards the ending, unlike a waterfall next to me which probably switched on early in the movie XD haha
Still, I felt pretty refreshed after the movie because apparently, the tears helped to relieve some pent-up emotions from school.. It's unbelievable that so much has happened over a course of 2 days, but I guess I need to take things slow from now and think things through more carefully.. I need to find out exactly what feelings I am experiencing, what I am pining for and what I hope to get out of it.. so I can stop emo-ing in school.. haha this is something I wrote while in school, and it perfectly sums up what I felt at that moment in time..
有个女孩 默默地
他什么时候 才会发现
他什么时候 才会知道