Anyway, on a happier note, on a particular morning on the 22nd of March, a little life in the form of baby Kaelyn was introduced into the world!! And I'm going to try my best to be the nicest aunt kai-lin (my nickname for her) ever has!!
Actually I typed much more than what is seen here.. but due to some toopid technical error that keeps occurring in blogspot, I'm not going to type everything again. It's frustrating enough to type it twice, much less thrice -.- ZZZZ I simply don't understand why it is so difficult to upload pictures and align them properly without affecting my post. It's supposed to be the internet age nowadays, (for goodness sake!) and blogspot can't even seem to solve this small problem? =\
but anyways..
Time for some pictures~ (tsktsk, the pictures stayed, whereas my post disappeared)


Master Of Study
[with 승호]

Lee Min Gi
[from Dalja's Spring (interesting and sweet show about 姐弟恋 XD]
and not to forget.. it's about time for my husband to make his appearance!!
*pink and white flower petals start falling from the sky*

It's none other than 홍기 dearest
~the handsomest and also, prettiest guy in the galaxy~