Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, 6 April 2010




sighh I'm sick now and hating it cos my nose is running away and my body aches all over =( I'm also feeling perpetually tired both in school and at home, so obviously I haven't done much work.. Just this afternoon, I was taking a nap because I was simply too drowsy, but I woke up feeling none the better, maybe even worse (><) cos I felt like a few-days-old banana, lifeless and floppy.

mokie and banana

Also, cos I didn't feel well, I missed monday's guitar session and I feel like I'm lagging behind everyone else in the club now.. I still can't play the full "the way we were" yet, so I have no idea how I am going to master the Brazilian street dance tune anytime soon. This is all so stressful =(

Teachers have also been reminding us, time and again on how close the A Levels are, and I am really feeling the pressure. I need to buck up soon!!! *coughcough* but how to, when I'm operating at only 50% efficiency?? boohoohoo

Life is difficult
2 more papers to go~