Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


I think I'm going crazy soon cos the Brazilian street dance tune has been stuck in my head for the past few hours.. and when it finally goes away, it only gets replaced by "The Way We Were" -.- *faints* this must be a side-effect of practicing too much guitar in the past few days and it's getting on my nerves cos the song keeps replaying itself = irritating!! However, that's not to say that my intensive practice wasn't good because I can actually feel my guitar-playing skills improving bit by bit *dances around happily* and that is so inspiring for myself because for once, I feel that my hard work is paying off.. haha trust me, looping the same few bars again and again is not fun cos sometimes I play until I get confused XD

HAHA today's guitar session was great though!! Because I can almost play the full piece of the Brazilian street dance tune now, (save for the ending chords) and that made me really happiee cos I think this is the most exciting, vibrant and lively rendition of a song the ensemble has done so far, and I'm happy to have been part of it.

Sometimes it's hard to keep the faith, but it is precisely because of days like today that motivate me to not give up and work even harder =P And for the same reason, I'm looking foward to Writers' Guild tomorrow!

All along, I've been dismissing the sessions as being boring and unfun, but after last week's session, I realised that it's not true! The juniors are starting to warm up to how the sessions are run, and participating more actively so last week's session was actually interesting to me cos I learned quite a lot from the discussion. (which is rare cos it's rather difficult to get an un-enthu person like me to get in the mood haha!!) So I've decided to take back most of the things I've said before about how dreary the sessions are because I've realised that it's no use to just complain and not make changes. WE ARE THE CHANGE. and if I have to, I will try and be the change.. It's a little late to understand this only now (but this kind of enlightenment takes time one!), considering that we're handing over in a month, but it's better to be late than never =D

So now I'm going to do my best for the guild by revamping our (just realised it existed) noticeboard (cos my senior lamented about the dilapidated state it was in) and by working on a sample copy of the new magazine I'm hoping will replace Orange. I'm hoping to fill a bit more of the bigg shoes my senior left behind ^^ so till then!!