The ash plume from Iceland must- *achoo* already be here!
*starts scrambling to get masks* XD
Haha anyway, I was just thinking about the fate of our dear little planet Earth while looking at the disgusting haze hanging lazily in the air.. and after learning about global warming AND global dimming in geography, I think I can safely say (and I seldom say this) that our Earth is screwed.
Just this week, the One Earth club in school was advocating environmental change by encouraging people to go vegetarian because the greenhouse emissions due to the rearing of cattle in Brazil and many other countries are high and hence contributes to global warming.. BUT the bad thing is that while many people are concerned about the ever-expanding hole in the ozone layer and trying desperately to cut down on pollution, few people are aware of global dimming which they are actually reducing!!
If you're not aware of what I'm talking about, global dimming is the reduction of solar radiation reaching the surface = less sunlight due to the presence of many dust/pollutant particles in the air which indirectly, help to reflect lots of sunlight back into space. And this is also precisely why temperatures aren't rising as quickly as they should due to global warming! Global dimming is helping to negate the temperature rise! However as can be seen from global efforts to cut down on emissions/air pollution (the very particles which are helping to cool the Earth), few even know the consequences of their actions! Yes, we might then have cleaner air and atmosphere, and prevent the ozone layer from deteriorating further, but at the same time, we are also allowing tons more of sunlight to reach Earth, heating us up even more!! Having said that though, I don't mean we should continue polluting the environment because while it may cool us down for the time being, the amount of sunlight received will also continue to decrease, until the dinosaurs decide to roam the earth once again.
Which is why I say Earth is screwed.
Stop global dimming, and we're baked.
Stop global warming, and we should be prepared to start living like Sid and frens.
so how?
haha I don't know too. XD
If I knew, I wouldn't be typing this right? but getting Nobel prizes or something.. haha we should start renting and picking tips up from Ice Age I/II noww.