Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Had a rather unsettling night yesterday because I had simply too much on my mind.. random weird characters were drifting in and out of my dream incessantly causing it to become disoriented, so naturally I didn't have enough baby sleep and couldn't wake up on time today :( argh too much work and too little time!! how can they even bear to subject such a cute little baby to such distress!! *whimpers* XD

Haha anyway tonight I finally got some stuff off my mind and it's literally a load off my mind cos now I feel deliriously happy and light-hearted ^^ I didn't expect it at all so I can only say I'm pleasantly surprised? Granted that there are certain risks involved, but I'm sure J's lips are sealed haha. Otherwise I will kidnap her, stuff her in a sack and throw her in the cupboard! *all the while avoiding her strikes* Hahahahaha but now I can almost officially say that the previous chapter has concluded and I'm on a whole new one page. It's a relief in some sense, and a cause for worry in another, but I'm glad that it's a brand new start again.

Oh and in case you're wondering (you know who you are, arwie ^^) , starstruck didn't abandon the star for another universe.. It was the star that was being drawn into another universe with a far stronger gravitational force than hers, so it was the star that lost its shine first.. starstruck couldn't do anything at all except watch the star inch bit by bit away and disappear into the milky way. (hee suddenly thought of the "best chocolatey taste, KOKO KRUNCH!") Haha sorry for the randomness ;) but anyway fate intervened.. and you know the rest of the story.. hahaha you still haven't sent me this story of the stars and ducks that we wrote! Quickquick send me before we start getting really busy studying! haha for keepsake value =)

And I shall leave you to interpret this intriguing sentence my GP teacher gave us today:

The weasel that the boy that startles the cat thinks loves smiles eats