Monday, April 19, 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

"Bad Girl"



"B2ST practicing their dance routine"

if you know how to dance too, come teach me!!! ^^

Since I managed to solve the problem of the videos already, I've decided to upload some other nice songs I've heard recently.. enjoy~

"Run" by Epik High

Look out for the guy with the frizzy maggie hair - Tablo! I simply love him for his rapping/singing and character.. I will share more about him another time!

"Loner" by CN Blue

since 미남이시네요 is going to be shown soon in S'pore, no harm sharing this song sung by Jeong Yong Hwa's band - CN Blue XD Quite a talented band in the KPop scene, (but still not as good as my husband's band of course) with non-mainstream songs (at least that's what I feel after listening to their songs)..